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BS ISO 9113 pdf free download

BS ISO 9113-2019 pdf free download.Plastics – Polypropylene (PP) and propylene-copolymer thermoplastics – Determination of isotactic index.
This document specifies a method for determining the percentage of matter which can be extracted from crystalline propylene plastics by boiling n-heptane under standard conditions of testing. Isotactic index is determined by conventional chemical extraction as an absolute method.
This method provides for the identification and coding of types H, B and R propylene plastics according to ISO 19069-1[1].
This method is suitable only for base polymers and is not applicable for mixtures.
This method starts with solid propylene plastics in the form of particles of specified fineness.
2 Normative references
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3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
-ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp
-IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
4 Apparatus
4.1 Extractor, a type of which is shown in Figure 1. Any other type of extractor giving the same results may be used. This extractor shall be suitable for use at the boiling point of n-heptane.
4.3 Drying ovens, shall be capable of being maintained at temperatures of 70 °C土2 C and 140 °C土2 °C respectively. both of them provided with vacuum lines of less than 25 kPa.
4.4 Balance, shall be accurate to the nearest 0,000 1 g.
4.5 Grinding mill, or equivalent machine. 4.6 Sieve, mesh size of the sieve shall not be greater than 1 mm. A mesh size of 0,5 mm土0,1 mm is recommended.
5 Procedure
5.1 Preparation of the sample
5.1.1 Reduce the propylene plastic solid matter to particles fine enough to pass through the sieve (4.6). For powder, flakes, fibres or films, grinding and screening are unnecesary if at least one dimension is less than 0,6 mm. Films shall be cut into small fragments or changed to a crushable form by melting to the shape of ribbons or small plaques.
5.1.2 Grind the sample as fllows. Mix at least 10 g of the sample with solid carbon dioxide or liquid nitrogen in excess, place it in the grinding mill [45) and crush until reduced to small particles. After screening. collect the matter which passes through the sieve (4.6) and allow standing at room temperature until it is tested.
5.2 Determination
5.2.1 Weigh the glass fibre or paper cartridge (4.2), dried to constant mass at 140 °C and cooled to room temperature in a desicator, to the nearest 0,000 1 g (mass m1) (see 5.2.5). Then, fill it with approximately 5 g of the sample and place it in the oven (4.3) controlled at 140°Ct 2°C, under 25 kPa nitrogen vacuum or less. This means that the existing residual pressure of nitrogen in the apparatus shall be 25 kPa or lower (see 5.2.6). Usually, 2 h are sufficient for complete drying and sample annealing. but calibration of the oven efficiency is recommended to determine the minimum time required to achieve constant mass of the samples.
5.2.2 Cool the cartridge containing the test porton to room temperature in a desiccator and weigh again to the nearest 0,000 1 g (mass m2). Record the mass of the propylene plastic test portion by difference (m2 – m1]. Then place the cartridge in the extractor trap (see Figure 1) and extract with biling n-heptane (analytical grade, free from aromatic components) for 24 h (see 5.2.5 and 5.2.7).
5.2.3 Regulate the solvent boiling rate to give 15 to 25 extractions per hour, using 300 ml of n-heptane in the flask.
5.2.4 After 24 h of extraction, cool the cartridge containing residual polymer to room temperature, carefully wash it with acetone (analytical grade) and dry it in the oven (4.3) controlled at70 °C+2 °C, to constant mass, under 25 kPa nitrogen vacuum or less. Usually, 4 h to 6 h are sufficient to reach constant mass, but it is recommended that the oven drying efficiency be checked by a preliminary test.BS ISO 9113 pdf download.

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