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BS ISO 8100-1 pdf free download

BS ISO 8100-1-2019 pdf free download.Lifts for the transport of persons and goods — Part 1: Passenger and goods passenger lifts.
5 Safety requirements and/or protective measures
5.1 General
5.1.1 Passenger and goods passenger lifts shall comply with the safety requirements and/or protective measures of the following clauses. In addition, the passenger and goods passenger lifts shall be designed according to the principles of ISO 12100 for hazards relevant but not significant that are not dealt with by this document (e.g. sharp edges).
5.1.2 All labels, notices, markings and operating instructions shall be permanently affixed, indelible, legible and readily understandable (if necessary aided by signs or symbols). They shall be of durable material, placed in a visible position, and written in the accepted language(s) of the country where the lift is installed. 5.2 Well, machinery spaces and pulley rooms
5.2.1 General provisions Arrangement of lift equipment All lift equipment shall be located in the well or in machinery spaces or pulley rooms. If parts of different lifts are present in one machine and/or pulley room each lift shall be identified with a number, letter or colour consistently used for all parts (machine, controller, overspeed governor, switches, etc.). Exclusive use of the well, machine and pulley rooms The well, machine and pulley rooms shall not be used for purposes other than lifts. They shall not contain ducts, cables or devices other than for the lift. The lift well, machine and pulley rooms may, however, contain: a) equipment for air-conditioning or heating of these spaces, excluding steam heating and high- pressure water heating. However, any control and adjustment devices of the heating apparatus shall be located outside the well. b) fire detectors or extinguishers, with a high operating temperature (e.g. above 80° C), appropriate for the electrical equipment and suitably protected against accidental impact. When sprinkler systems are used, activation of the sprinkler shall only be possible, when the lift is stationary at a landing and the electrical supply of the lift and lighting circuits are automatically switched off by the fire or smoke detection system. NOTE Such smoke, fire detection and sprinkler systems are the responsibility of the building management. Machine rooms may contain machines for other kinds of lifts, e.g. goods only lifts. In the case of partially enclosed lift wells according to, the well is regarded as the area: a) inside the enclosure where enclosures are present; b) being within a horizontal distance of 1,50 m from movable components of the lift, where enclosures are missing. Ventilation of the well, machinery spaces and pulley rooms The well, machinery spaces and pulley rooms shall not be used to provide ventilation of rooms other than those belonging to the lift. Ventilation shall be such that the motors and equipment, as well as electric cables, etc., are protected from dust, harmful fumes and humidity. NOTE See E.3 for further guidance. Lighting The well shall be provided with permanently installed electric lighting, giving the following intensity of illumination, even when all doors are closed, at any position of the car throughout its travel in the well: a) at least 50 lux, 1,0 m above the car roof within its vertical projection; b) at least 50 lux, 1,0 m above the pit floor everywhere a person can stand, work and/or move between the working areas; c) at least 20 lux outside of the locations defined in a) and b), excluding shadows created by car or components. To achieve this, sufficient number of lamps shall be fixed throughout the well and, where necessary, additional lamp(s) may be fixed on the car roof as a part of the well’s lighting system. Lighting elements shall be protected against mechanical damage.BS ISO 8100-1 pdf download.

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