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BS ISO 5783 pdf free download

BS ISO 5783-2019 pdf free download.Hydraulic fluid power — Code for identification of valve mounting surfaces and cartridge valve cavities.
This document defines an identification code for hydraulic valve mounting surfaces and for hydraulic cartridge valve cavities that are defined in other International Standards (see Bibliography).
This document is not applicable to mounting surfaces and cartridge valve cavities that do not conform to these International Standards.
This document does not require that the hardware be marked with the identification code.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp
4 Identification code
The mounting surfaces or the cartridge cavities shall be designated by the five groups of numbers indicated below, written in the order given, and separated by spaced hyphens:
a) the number of the International Standard in which the mounting surface or the cartridge cavity is described;
b) two numerals representing
— either the size of the valve mounting surface (see Clause 5),
— or the size of the slip-in cartridge valve (see Clause 5),
— or the cavity thread diameter of the screw-in cartridge valve;
c) two numerals as an unequivocal numbering;
NOTE In previous editions of this document these numerals were based on the figure number in the International Standard according to a). This could lead to confusion if figures in new versions of these International Standards are deleted and thus the numeral of a certain mounting surface or cavity would change.
d) one sign, e.g. an asterisk (*) or a single number as defined in the International Standard according to a) indicating different options:
— numeral 0 is used for the basic version,
0 basic version
xx last two digits of the year of latest edition
6.2 Slip-in cartridge cavity
Designation of the cavity for two-port hydraulic slip-in cartridge main system pressure-relief valves
with main ports of 50 mm nominal diameter (size 11) and square flange cover as described in ISO 7368:
7368 – 11 – 10 – 1 – xx
In this designation, the elements have the following meaning:
7368 reference number of the relevant International Standard
11 size of the cavity according to the main port diameter (see Table 1 of this document)
10 unequivocal numbering according to ISO 7368
1 option number 1
xx last two digits of the year of latest edition
6.3 Screw-in cartridge cavity
Designation of the cavity of three-port screw-in cartridge valves with 27 mm cavity thread diameter,such as described in ISO 7789: 7789 – 27 – 04 – 0 – xx
In this designation, the elements have the following meaning:
7789 reference number of the relevant International Standard
27 thread diameter of screw-in cartridge
04 unequivocal numbering according to ISO 7789
0 basic version
xx last two digits of the year of latest edition.BS ISO 5783 pdf dwonload.

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