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BS ISO 50009 pdf free download

BS ISO 50009-2021 pdf free download.Energy management systems一Guidance for implementing a common energy management system in multiple organizations.
4 Context of the energy management group
4.1 Understanding the energy management group and its context
Members of the EnMG (referred to in this document as the ‘constituent organizations”) have agreed to manage their energy use collaboratively to improve energy performance by using a common EnMS. In order to do so they may form an EnMG, which can be (but does not need to be) a separate legal entity, to develop and maintain a common EnMS. The EnMG wilt be responsible for determining the scope and boundaries of the common EnMS that they establish. The common EnMS includes the energy uses that each of the constituent EnMG members choose to manage in common (see 43Jj. Constituent organizations should manage at least some, but not necessarily all, of their energy through the common EnMS. There can be a variety of forms for an EnMG.
The Introduction includes a list of possible situations where EnMGs may be formed. Examples of EnMGs are given in Annex B.
The EnMG should establish an energy management committee (EnMC) to coordinate the activities ol the common EnMS. This may be a formal committee or an informal group of individuals representing constituent organizations.
The EnMG should be responsible for drawing up necessary memorandums of understanding (MOU) and non-disclosure agreements concerning the establishment of the EnMC and the operation of the common EnMS, including how confidential data should be handled and made available for EnMS auditing purposes.
The EnMG or EnMC should determine external and internal issues that are relevant to the EnMG that could affect its ability to achieve the intended outcome(s) of the common EnMS. The activities of the EnMC are described in 511.2.
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
4.2.1 General
The EnMG or its EnMC should determine:
a) the interested parties that are relevant to the common EnMS and energy performance;
b) any relevant requirements of the interested parties.
EXAMPLE In a shopping mall where all the tenants have formed an EnMG. the landlord would be an interested party.
4.2.2 Understanding the legal requirements and other requirements
The EnMG or the EnMC should identify and ensure that it has access to the applicable legal requirements and other requirements related to the EnMG’s energy use, energy consumption and energy efficiency.
The EnMC should determine how these requirements apply and should ensure that they are taken into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining the common EnMS.
Legal requirements and other requirements should be reviewed at defined intervals by the EnMG or the EnMC. It should take into account factors such as confidentiality, conflict of interest and competition when planning and implementing the common EnMS.
4.3 Determining the scope of the common energy management system
4.3.1 Establishing the scope of the common energy management system
The boundaries may be different for each constituent organization, but the scope of the common EnMS should clearly identify the set of activities and processes which the EnMG addresses (see Figure 1).BS ISO 50009 pdf download.

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