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BS ISO 22970 pdf free download

BS ISO 22970-2019 pdf free download.Paints and varnishes — Test method for evaluation of adhesion of elastic adhesives on coatings by peel test, peel strength test and tensile lap- shear strength test with additional stress by condensation test or cataplasm storage.
4.3 Adhesive strength test method C — Tensile lap-shear strength It describes the adhesive strength testing of adhesives on coatings by determination of the tensile lap- shear strength. This method yields both qualitative and quantitative results. It is suitable for testing complete bonded assemblies as later used in practice. This also includes the use of original adherends. The tensile lap-shear strength of overlap specimens is determined by stressing in shear of an overlap joint between rigid adherends by applying to the adherends a tensile force which is parallel to the bond area and to the major axis of the specimen. The reported result is the maximum force or maximum tensile shear stress measured for each bond width.
4.4 Conduction of the test After complete curing of the adhesive, testing is conducted according to adhesive strength test method A, B or C, either immediately or following subsequent climatic exposure (exposure method 1 or 2).
5 Apparatus and test media
Normal laboratory equipment together with the following.
5.1 Adhesive strength test method A — Peel adhesion
5.1.1 Test panel, e.g. coated plates having dimensions of approximately 200 mm × 100 mm and a thickness of 0,7 mm to 1,2 mm or coated plastic or coated glass (float glass) having a thickness of approximately 4 mm. The thickness shall be sufficient to prevent deformation or fracture of the test panel in combination with the specimen grip under the expected tensile load when peeling off the bead.
Specimen preparation, coating and drying/curing shall be indicated in the test report.
5.1.2 Adhesive, as agreed between the interested parties, supplied in a commercially available can.
5.1.3 Application gun, for applying the adhesive.
5.1.4 Doctor blade, for forming the adhesive beads (see Figure 1).
5.1.5 Vapour barrier, e.g. strips of PE film or siliconized paper, e.g. baking paper, having dimensions of approximately 200 mm × 25 mm and a thickness of about 0,1 mm.
5.1.6 Spacer, according to the agreed bond thickness.
5.1.7 Cutter knife, which shall be in accordance with 1SOJ.2812. designed as agreed between the interested parties.
5.1.8 Commercially available adhesive tape, approximately 20mm wide.
5.1.9 PlIers, designed as agreed between the Interested parties. e.g. needlenose pliers.
5.2 Adhesive strength test method B — Peel strength
5.2.1 Test panel, e.g. coated plates having dimensions of at least 250 mm x 70 mm and a thickness ot 0.7 mm to 1,2 mm. The thickness shall be sufficient to prevent deformation of the test panel in combination with the specimen holder under the expected tensile load when peeling off the bead.
Specimen preparation, coating and drying/curing shall be indicated in the test report.
5.2.2 Adhesive, as agreed between the interested parties, supplied in a commercially available can.
5.2.3 Application gun. for applying the adhesive.
5.2.4 Strips of PE film or siliconized paper. e.g. bakmg paper, having dimensions of approxmiately
70mm x 100 mm and a thickness of about 0.1 mm.
5.2.5 Peeling plate, ‘ust thick enough to enable transmission of the expected tensile forces to the adhesive while allowing bending without using excessive force, e.g. aluminium A1O5OP, 25 mm x 250mm x 0,5 mm.
5.2.6 Spacer, according to the agreed bond thickness.
5.2.7 Tensile testing machine, having a nominal load suitable tar the respective adhesive bond, e.g. lOkN.
The response time of the testing machine shall be sufficiently short to prevent influences on the accuracy when measuring the force at failure. The recorded force shall not deviate from the actually required force by more than I %. The testing machine shall be capable olapplying the required tensile force Increasing at a steady rate. It shall be provided with a pair of suitable self-aligning grips to hold the specimen. The grips and attachments shall be constructed such as to move Into alignment with the specimen as soon as the force Is applied, so that the longitudinal axis of the specimen will coincide with the direction of the required force through the centre line of the grip assembly to avoid bending moment. Grips that operate by bolting through the adherends shall not be used since tearing of the bolting holes is to be expected.
5.3 AdhesIve strength test method C — Tensile lap-shear strength
5.3.1 Test panel, e.g. coated plates having dimensions of at least 75 mm * 25 mm and a thickness of 0.7 mm to 12 mm or coated plastic or coated glass (float glass) having a thickness of approximately 6 mm. The test panel strength shall be sufficient to enable transmission of the occurring tensile forces to the bond.
Specimen preparation, coating and drying/curing shall be indicated in the test report.BS ISO 22970 pdf download.

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