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BS ISO 22927 pdf free download

BS ISO 22927-2021 pdf free download.Rare earth – Packaging and labelling. Glass bottles
Glass bottles are rigid vessels made from borosilicate glass, having a comparatively narrow neck or mouth, with a closure anti usually no handle. They should have load-bearing capacity depending on the content. Polymer film bags
Polymer film bags are flexible containers made of polymer layers, generally enclosed on all sides except one, forming an opening that is sealed after filling. They should have load-bearing capacity depending on the content and should be chemically compatible. Aluminized polymer bags
Aluminized polymer bags are flexible containers made from polymer film metallized with aluminium, which reduces the permeability of the polymer film to the external atmosphere. They may be used as inner or intermediate packaging for some rare earth metals and their alloys (such as cerium and cerium alloy). They should have a load-bearing capacity depending on the content and should be chemically compatible.
4.2.2 Outer packaging Metal drums
Metal drums are cylindrical vessels made from iron, steel or alloys whose bottom end is permanently fixed to the body. The top-end (head) is either removable or non-removable. Steel drums with a capacity of over 200 1 used for rare earth product packaging should meet the requirements specified in ISO 157504. ISO 15750-2 and ISO 157503. Steel drums with a capacity of less than 200 1 used for rare earth product packaging should have load-bearing capacity depending on the content and should be chemically compatible or else an appropriate inner package should be used. Polymer drums
Polymer drums are cylindrical vessels made from polymer whose bottom end is permanently fixed to the body. The top-end (head) is either removable or non-removable. They should have load-bearing capacity depending on the content and should be chemically compatible or else an appropriate inner package should be used. Flexible containers
Flexible containers are containers made from a flexible material that are collapsible when empty. Flexible intermediate bulk containers used for rare earth products packaging should meet the requirements given in ISO 21898. Polymer bulk containers
Polymer bulk containers are vessels made from polymer, designed to contain liquids, pastes or powders. They should have load-bearing capacity depending on the content and should be chemically compatible or an appropriate inner package used. Corrugated fibreboard boxes
Corrugated fibreboard boxes consist of one or more fluted paper sheets glued to a flat sheet of board or between several sheets. They should have load-bearing capacity depending on the content and should be chemically compatible or else an appropriate inner package should be used. Kraft bags
Kraft bags are flexible containers made from paper made using the kraft process and are generally enclosed on all sides except one, forming an opening that may or may not be sealed after filling. They should have load-bearing capacity depending on the content and should be chemically compatible or else an appropriate inner package should be used. Wooden/plywood drums or containers
Drums or containers made of wood/plywood and with a top-end (head) that can be removed. They can be used as outer packaging for rare earth products. They should have load-bearing capacity depending on the content and should be chemically compatible or else an appropriate inner package should be used.
4.3 Requirements and recommendations for packaging of rare earth products
4.3.1 Rare earth ore
In most cases, there are no special requirements for packaging ore. Consideration should be given to the use of flexible containers under special circumstances. Regarding those ores with a certain level of radioactivity, dust-tight flexible containers or polymer film bags should be used and the radioactivity on the outside surface of the packaging should take into account the requirements of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the international Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (see References 16]. Wj.. [121, [13], 1141, f,j and 1171).
4.3.2 Rare earth concentrate
Flexible containers with a dust-tight integral liner should be used for the outer packaging.
4.3.3 Rare earth compound Oxide
Some rare earth oxide (REO) powders can react with moisture or carbon dioxide in the air and form hydroxides or carbonates or become deliquescent. REOs shall be sealed in an airtight and waterproof package. Polymer bottles or polymer film bags should be used for the inner package. Steel drums, polymer drums, flexible containers, polymer bulk containers, corrugated fibreboard boxes, kraft bags or wooden/fibreboard drums should be used for the outer package.BS ISO 22927 pdf download.

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