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BS ISO 22415 pdf free download

BS ISO 22415-2019 pdf free download.Surface chemical analysis一Secondary ion mass spectrometry一Method for determining yield volume in argon cluster sputter depth profiling of organic materials.
5 Requirements
5.1 Test samples
The test sample(s) shall consist of one or more layers of organic materials of uniform thicknesses on a flat substrate. The chemical composition of the organic materials and substrate used to construct the test sample(s) shall be known. The thickness of each layer of material for which the sputtering yield volume is to be measured shall be known for each sample. The standard uncertainty in thickness from both the measurement method and variability in thickness shall be known or estimated. If the test sample consists of more than one layer of organic material, the order in which those layers are formed shall be known. The test sample(s) shall be classified according to the sample construction as either:
a) A surface layer: if the first interface of the material is the surface of the test sample.
b) A burled layer: if the first interface of the material is not at the surface of the test sample.
c) A series of layers: if there is more than one layer of the material, with thicknesses spanning at least a factor of 1.5 and having the same first and second interfaces for all layers.
The first interface is the initial boundary of the material encountered in a sputter depth profile. The second interface is the final boundary of the material encountered in a sputter depth profile. The series of layers is the more accurate method for determination of the sputtering yield volume but requires most effort.
NOTE 1 Typical methods used to prepare reference samples are vapour deposition, spin casting from appropriate solvents, Langmuir-Blodgett or Langmuir-Schaefer deposition.
NOTE 2 In the case of single layers of organic materials on Inorganic substrates, the most appropriate methods to directly measure layer thickness are atomic force microscopy (AFM), cllipsometry and X-ray reflectornetry(11 For multiple layers, these methods typically provide insufficient contrast between different organic materials and other approaches, such as in situ measurements using a quartz crystal microbalance or analysis after each deposition step, are appropriate.
5.2 Sputtering ion source
To ensure that the data required to calculate sputtering yield volumes are useful and that the reporting requirements are met, the following information and conditions are required.
a) The number weighted mean size of the argon clusters, n, used for sputtering shall be measured before analysis and the number weighted mean size of the argon clusters, 2, shall be measured after analysis.
b) The sputtering ion kinetic energy, E, shall be known.
c) The sputtering ion charge, q, shall be known.
d) The incidence angle between the sputtering ion beam and the reference sample surface normal shall be known.
e) The sputtering ion current,Ji, shall be measured using a Faraday cup before analysis of the reference sample and the sputtering ion current,12, shall be measured after analysis of the reference sample in the same manner ash. See £1.
f) The minimum side length, L, and the area, A, of the raster pattern of the primary ion source on the sample shall be measured.
g) The maximum full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the sputtering ion beam spot on the sample, W, shall be measured.
h) The number of lines in the raster pattern, N, shall be known.
i) The sputtering and analysis cycle shall be set to ensure that raster frames of the sputtering source are complete and without gaps.
j) The ambient sample temperature shall be measured.
The FWHM of the sputtering ion beam spot shall be greater than twice the distance between adjacent lines in the raster pattern, this condition is expressed in Formula (1). If this condition is not met then, either the ion beam shall be defocussed to increase W, or the raster area changed to decrease L until this condition is satisfied.
L<O,5NW (1)
L is the minimum side length of sputtering area on the sample;
N is the number of lines in the sputtering beam raster pattern;
W is the maximum FWHM of the sputtering ion beam spot on the sample.
The minimum side length of the sputtering source raster, L, shall be larger than the maximum FWHM of the sputtering ion spot, W, by at least a factor of 8. This condition is expressed in Formula (2).
L>8W (2)
If this condition is not met then either the ion beam shall be focussed to decrease W, or the raster size changed to increase L until this condition is satisfied and does not violate the condition described by Formula (1).
NOTE I A diagram is provided for information in LU. The area of the raster pattern can be measured by imaging a reference grid positioned at the same height as the test sample. A method is provided in AJ2 and an example in AIX.
NOTE 2 The condition expressed in Formula (1) ensures a constant ion beam dose in the analysed area both on and between raster linesIZi.
NOTE 3 The condition expressed in Formula (2) ensures that the central part of the sputtered area on the sample, which has a constant ion beam dose, is large enough to be analysed.
5.3 Analysis conditions
The size and position of the area for analysis shall be within the area irradiated by the sputtering source. The centre of the analysis area shall be aligned with the centre of the sputtered area and have side length, 1, meeting the condition expressed in Formula (3). If the sputtering ion beam is used for analysis, then the gating conditions to select the signal as a function of raster position shall be selected to meet this criterion.
where is the side length of the analysed area on sample.BS ISO 22415 pdf download.

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