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BS ISO 22328-1 pdf free download

BS ISO 22328-1-2020 pdf free download.Security and resilience一Emergency management Part 1: General guidelines for the implementation of a community-based disaster early warning system.
4.1 General
The community-based disaster EWS should comprise five main sub-systems:
a) risk assessment, see
b) dissemination and communication of knowledge, see 43
c) monitoring and warning service, see 4,4;
d) response capability, see 45
e) commitment of the authority and community on the sustainability of the EWS, see 4fi.
4.2 Risk assessment
The disaster preparedness team should conduct a risk assessment in accordance with Iso 3 1000:2018,
Clause 6L1, and identify vulnerabilities.
The disaster preparedness team should consider the following factors in its risk assessment:
— Technical: To help understand the physical conditions of the vulnerable area; to classify the types and the range of hazards, their potential extremes and their dependencies; to collect information regarding the indicators of a disaster; and to determine vulnerable and safe zones. These indicators may include specific symptoms and conditions that indicate the potential hazards area. These indicators may be used to determine the placement of the EWS instruments.
— Institutional: To understand whether there are established organizations currently responsible for monitoring and mitigating in the disaster-prone areas and if respective legal frameworks are provided.
— Socioeconomic and cultural: To collect information on community demographics, such as population, by age, education, mobility and financial situation, the number of households, vehicles and livestock, and cultural considerations. These factors also provide information on the community’s knowledge concerning disasters. This information provides insight into the community’s perception of disaster risk and disaster risk reduction means (technology, population preparedness, etc.) that can be used to improve the successful introduction of the EWS and to gain an understanding of the community’s vulnerabilities and complexities.
NOTE I Information on potential vulnerable inhabitants and infrastructure due to disasters is important to determine the level of community vulnerability.
NOTE 2 The community’s eagerness and motivation to actively participate is relevant to design strategies for
disaster risk reduction programmes that are suitable for the local social conditions.
NOTE 3 The programmes can give knowledge and increase people’s capacity to be able to decide what needs
to be done in order to prevent and protect themselves from disasters.
4.3 Dissemination and communication of knowledge
The disaster preparedness team should:
— develop methods and materials on how to disseminate and communicate knowledge that provides the public with a comprehension and an understanding of the potential for disasters;
— provide information on the types of disasters, how and why they occur, the factors that control and trigger the events, and the structural and non-structural strategies to mitigate the consequences, including an EWS, warning levels and signage.
The dissemination and communication of knowledge should use clear language, provide useful information, identify the authoritative agency and provide multiple communications, including by traditional means but also using modern social media methods to ensure the maximum number of people is reached.
Effective dissemination provides for better understanding about disasters and knowledge about how to minimize risks once the EWS is in place.
The dissemination of information should lead to the identification of key people/organizations with an interest in participating in a disaster preparedness team.
These methods and materials for dissemination and communication of knowledge should he based on the preliminary data of the risk assessments.
4.4 Monitoring and warning service
The disaster preparedness team should place early detection devices in areas that cover the high- risk zones.
The installation of the equipment should be coordinated with the authority, with the aim to increase the sense of ownership and responsibility for the equipment’s condition to guarantee safety.
The type and amount of early detection equipment and alert levels should be appropriate to the type of disaster.
The early detection devices installed to support the EWS should include the devices required to ensure the work of the EWS and additional tools to improve measurement accuracy.
To implement a community-based disaster EWS, the monitoring and early detection devices should use appropriate and adaptive technology.
The warning service should consider the different conditions and knowledge of the public (e.g. age of people, special requirements for vulnerable groups).
For information on monitoring and warning services to the public and communities, refer to ISO 22322:2015, 5.2 and 5.4141.
Monitoring data can be collected, transferred, stored and analysed. The results should be made available to the different users, such as experts, responsible entities and the public based on conditional access, which should be defined within the legal conditions and the warning service.BS ISO 22328-1 pdf download.

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