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BS ISO 22322 pdf free download

BS ISO 22322 2015 pdf free download.Societal security — Emergency management — Guidelines for public warning.
The organization should assess the potential hazards that could occur within a defined area and the level of potential risk each presents. The results of this assessment should determine the type of public warning that may be required and be documented for future reference. The public warning system developed by the organization should
a) comply with applicable legal and other obligatory requirements,
b) provide the framework for setting and reviewing public warning objectives,
c) be planned in advance,
d) be documented, implemented, and maintained,
e) have the human and technical resources to plan, implement, maintain, and improve the public
warning system,
f) be communicated to all persons working for or on behalf of the organization,
g) provide suitable training for responders,
h) be available and communicated to the public generally and especially to the people at potential risk,
i) involve appropriate consultation with community representatives 1) or bodies concerned with
public interests, and
j) include a commitment to continual improvement.
4.2 Design the framework
4.2.1 General
The organization should design a framework based on two functions: hazard monitoring and warningdissemination. The responsibility for issuing public warning should be assigned to the stakeholders whoare individual experts, groups of experts, or organizations 2) in the private or public sectors at the local, up to international level. Those who contribute to both functions should
a) be familiar with the capabilities and capacities of the public warning system so that relevant,accurate, reliable, and timely warnings will be disseminated,
b) make continuous effort to raise and maintain public awareness, and
c) specify safety actions within the warning.
4.2.2 Hazard monitoring function
Hazard monitoring is based on the risk assessment conducted to determine the hazards to be monitored.
Those involved in the hazard monitoring function are responsible for the following:
a) understanding hazard monitoring operations from local up to international agencies and have channels to communicate with them;
b) ongoing monitoring of identified risks within a defined area and within their range of expertise;
c) providing early information on emerging risks;
d) providing information about changes in the risk level;
e) defining the emergency measures to be taken;
f) notifying the warning dissemination function;
g) cooperating with public authorities to enhance public awareness.
The monitoring should be based on scientific data and/or credible evidence. NOTE The hazard monitoring function monitors potential risks that the hazards present.
4.2.3 Warning dissemination function
The warning dissemination function is responsible for the following:
a) promptly activating procedures for disseminating public warnings;
b) transforming evidence-based information into notification and alert messages;
c) specifying procedures for disseminating warning messages;
d) considering information needs of the people at risk and the diverse range of vulnerable groups;
e) coordinating with other organizations accountable for public warning;
f) promptly disseminating public warnings.
4.2.4 Responsibility for authorizing public warning
The organization should identify the individual or group responsible for authorizing public warning in accordance with national or local regulations or the organization’s own responsibility structure. Authorization should be based on the requirements of the public warning policy and objectives and the input from the hazard monitoring function and warning dissemination function, as well as other relevant sources. A trained and nominated individual or group of individuals should be assigned to use hazard monitoring information to make timely, relevant, and accurate decisions about public warning dissemination.
4.3 Identify public warning objectives The organization should identify objectives for the public warning system based on the public warning policy. These objectives should be considered when using the information from the hazard monitoring function to identify the people at risk and the potential impact of an incident on an area.BS ISO 22322 pdf download.

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