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BS ISO 18580 pdf free download

BS ISO 18580-2015 pdf free download.Motorcycles – Verification of total running resistance force during mode running on a chassis dynamometer.
5.1.2 Verification software
The verification software shall be capable of the processing of data in accordance with the principle
given in 4J. to 42. An example of data processing is shown in Annex A.
5.2 Preparation
5.2.1 Check of chassis dynamometer
Check that roller speed, absorption force and equivalent inertia mass are calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.
5.2.2 Calibration of data logger
Transmit the signals of the roller speed and the absorption force to the data logger, and calibrate the data logger so that the values indicated at the chassis dynamometer coincide with the measured values taken into the logger.
5.3 Data collection
5.3.1 Selection of test cycle
Select one test cycle for exhaust emission and fuel consumption measurement.
5.3.2 Data logging
Collect and log data during the test cycle continuously with a constant interval.
5.4 Data processing
Process the logged data with the verification software as specified in 5.1.2 to obtain a result. (See Annex A.)
5.5 Evaluation of chassis dynamometer
Evaluate the following 5 items of the chassis dynamometer:
— correlation coefficient, y;
— slope of the regression line, A;
— intercept of the regression line, B;
— relative standard deviation, o
— integral work error, ew.
If criteria, which shall be agreed among the parties involved, on each item are satisfied, then the chassis
dynamometer shall be deemed eligible for exhaust emission and fuel consumption measurement.
5.6 Report
A full description of the motorcycle shall be provided in accordance with Annex B.
A full description of the chassis dynamometer and instruments shall be provided in accordance with Annex C.
A full description of the test result shall be provided in accordance with Annex D.BS ISO 18580 pdf download.


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