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BS ISO 18195 pdf free download

BS ISO 18195-2019 pdf free download.Method for the justification of fire partitioning in water cooled nuclear power plants (NPP).
4 Method for justification of nuclear safety fire partitioning: global approach
4.1 Objective of the method The present method is a tool made available for engineers to check whether the fire resistance performance of the fire partitioning elements in buildings is adequate to resist the design basis fire to which they could be exposed, independently of manual firefighting considerations. As a prerequisite, prevention against the risks of fire in PWRs is based on the principle of separation of buildings into fire volumes, which are bounded by fire resistant walls. First, the fire protection design basis shall establish the minimum fire resistance rating of the fire partitioning elements. NOTE Numerical values, empirical correlations or mathematical laws can be fixed by the document, recommended with possibility of change (rec.), or given as example (e.g.). If no indication is given, they are considered as fixed.
4.1.1 The basis of design: standard fire resistance tests The fire resistance rating of fire partitioning elements is determined by a standard test, in accordance with the regulation and with the standardization. For other products not covered by standard tests, such as fire resistant housings or enclosures, the fire resistance test may be carried out according to specific procedures. Regardless of the test method employed, the thermal stress applied to the product shall be that of the standard time/temperature curve.
The fire resistance rating of a product is based on national, European or International standards or,when no standard applies, on plant designer specifications respecting the same performance criteria considered in similar standards.
— Thermal effects of the standard fire temperature curve.
— Measurement and qualitative systems for the performance criteria check.
— Temperatures: on elements, on exposed and unexposed surface or inside elements: ambient or surface.
— Electrical equipment functionality test system.
— Pilot flames or a layer of cotton for ignition verification.
— Fixed gauge tubes to check openings through the partitioning elements.
Furthermore, these tests require the use of standardized equipment and a description of its support and assembly. Extensions to the performance checks of different products are made on the basis of these references. Each of these criteria and measurements shall be taken into consideration during the analysis of the product in order to build its performance curve (see Clause 6).
NOTE The fire resistance rating of fire partitioning elements is determined by a standard test, in accordance with the regulation and with the standardization. For instance the rating may be given from the decision of
European Commission 2000/367/CE and 2003/629/CE. Depending of the country, alternative standards could be used when needed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
The performance can concern:
— R: load-bearing capacity;
— E: integrity;
— I: insulation
— C: self-closing;
— S: smoke leakage;
— W: radiation;
— DH: smoke screen.
The rated time is given in minutes. For example, REI 120 refers to a structure which guaranties load- bearing capacity, integrity and insulation for 120 min. These tests are carried out and approvals delivered by a laboratory approved by the national authorities.
4.1.2 Aim, limitations, and precautions Aim
The method applies to fire barriers qualified with a fire resistance standard.
The present methodology can be adapted to any other standard fire temperature curves and testing conditions, such as those specified by ASTM, UL or any national standardized curve used for qualification.BS ISO 18195 pdf download.

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