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BS ISO 17090-1 pdf free download

BS ISO 17090-1-2021 pdf free download.Health informatics – Public key infrastructure Part 1: Overview of digital certificate services.
5.2 Examples of actors
5.2.1 Regulated health professional
Examples of regulated health professionals are physicians, dentists, registered nurses, and pharmacists. There are many different classifications of officially regulated/accredited professions in healthcare in different countries. It is an important task to create a global mapping for this but, for the purposes of this document, it is assumed that only very broad classes can be recognized internationally. In ISO 17090-2, a data structure is presented that allows a broad international classification to be used in parallel with a more detailed defined classification that may be national or may follow other jurisdictions, since regulated health professionals are regulated in provinces or states in some countries.
5.2.2 Non-regulated health professional
Non-regulated health professionals are persons who are employed by a healthcare organization but who are not regulated health professionals, and include medical secretaries and record assistants, transcription clerks (i.e. those who type from a dictated voice recording), billing clerks, and assistant nurses. For the purpose of this document, it is important to include the relationship between the employing healthcare organization and the employee in a certificate for security services. For the healthcare professionals, it is important to include the relationship with the professional registration body in the structure of the digital certificate, but a possible employment or other affiliation of, for example, a physician may also be important.
There are many different types of roles or occupations of healthcare employees and this document makes no attempt to provide a classification scheme.
NOTE The fact that the employee is not registered by a body independent of the employer in his professional capacity does, of course, not imply that the employee is not professional in conducting his services.
5.2.3 Patient/consumer
The person who receives health-related services is, in most cases, called the patient but, in some situations, it is more appropriate, in the case of a healthy person and when considering the contractual relations with the healthcare providers, to call such a person a consumer of health services. Only the patient/consumer who is also a direct user of a health information system is considered in this context.
5.2.4 Sponsored healthcare provider
There are some types of persons who are providers of health services that are not regulated in the jurisdiction but who are active in a community and where their professional role may be certified and sponsored by a registered healthcare organization. Examples are, in some countries, midwives (who may be sponsored by obstetricians or other physicians), physiotherapists of different types, and various persons active in community care for disabled and elderly (who may be sponsored by a general practitioner or a hospital).
5.2.5 Supporting organization employee
A supporting organization employee is a person who is working for a supporting organization and who
is not a regulated or non-regulated health professional.
5.2.6 Healthcare organization
Examples of officially registered organizations that have a main activity related to healthcare services or health promotion are healthcare providers, healthcare financing bodies (insurance companies or administrators of governmental public health financing), and healthcare research institutions.
5.2.7 Supporting organization
Supporting organizations perform services for healthcare organizations but do not perform direct healthcare services.
5.2.8 Devices
Devices are equipment such as ECG machines, laboratory automation equipment, and different portable diagnostic aids that measure various physiological parameters of a patient; included also are computer devices such as electronic mail servers, web servers, and application servers.
5.2.9 Applications
Applications are computer software programs running on individual machines and/or networks. Within the healthcare context, applications relying upon digital certificates could include integrated clinical management systems. EHR applications, emergency department information systems, imaging systems, and prescribing, drug profiling, and medication management systems.
5.3 Applicability of digital certificates to healthcare
This document applies to the healthcare industry, both within and between jurisdictional boundaries. It is intended to cover public (government) health authorities and private healthcare providers across the entire range of settings including hospitals, community health, and general practice. It also applies to health insurance organizations, healthcare educational institutions, and health-related activities (such as home care).BS ISO 17090-1 pdf download.

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