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BS IEC IEEE 61886-1 pdf free download

BS IEC IEEE 61886-1-2021 pdf free download.Subsea equipment – Part 1: Power connectors, penetrators and jumper assemblies with rated voltage from 3 kV (U max = 3,6 kV) to 30 kV (U max = 36 kV).
4.5 Design analysis The connector assemblies shall be subject to a design analysis on the critical areas of the design to verify that the design is capable of withstanding the stresses to which it may be subjected at all stages of its life. The design analysis shall as a minimum contain the following.
• The connector assembly design shall be subject to a design failure mode effect and criticality analysis (DFMECA) and the results documented. The output from the analysis shall be used to identify areas of interest for further analysis, testing and quality controls. It may be necessary to augment the testing programme given in this document in order to evaluate features of the design that have been identified by the DFMECA.
• Electrostatic, magnetic, thermal and mechanical finite element analysis, covering type tests and intended operational conditions shall be undertaken to evaluate the performance of the design where the performance cannot be inferred from other analysis. Consideration shall be given to worst-case design loads (e.g. test, storage, handling, installation/retrieval and operation) including fault scenarios (e.g. broken seal, short circuit) such that the design loads do not exceed electrical, thermal or mechanical limitations for any material. The analysis shall include the heat generated by the losses in the connector assembly itself. The analysis should also include possible nonlinear material properties.
• Calculations to verify suitability of the pressure compensating system shall be undertaken. The analysis shall include test, storage, transportation, installation/retrieval and operational conditions. Any hysteresis (lag) in the performance of the compensation system shall be included.
• The material properties and limitations used in the analysis shall be identified and documented based on qualified, recognised and repeatable fabrication processes. This is also applicable for bonding between materials.
4.6 Data sheet A data sheet shall be created for each connector assembly. As a minimum, characteristic data for the connector assembly shall be documented in the format given in Annex A.
4.7 Equipment marking
4.7.1 Connectors and penetrators
The connector and/or penetrators shall be legibly and durably marked in a visible place with
following :
• name, logo or registered mark of the manufacturer or supplier;
• model/serial number;
• rated voltage, U 0 /U (U m );
• rated current, I r ;
• temperature class;
• rated frequency;
• rated absolute pressure, RAP (RAP-1 and RAP-2 for penetrators);
• rated differential pressure (penetrators only);
• water depth.
If space constraints limit the information that can be included on the product, the name/logo of manufacturer and model/serial number shall as a minimum be included.
4.7.2 Jumper assemblies
The jumper assemblies shall be legibly and durably marked on the outer surface at each end
with the following information as a minimum:
a) name, logo or registered mark of the manufacturer or supplier;
b) model/serial number;
c) rated voltage, U 0 /U (U m );
d) rated current I r ;
e) rated frequency
f) type of cable insulation;
g) number and size of conductor;
h) absolute design pressure;
i) water depth;
j) temperature class;
If space constraints limit the information that can be included on the product, the name/logo of manufacturer and model/serial number shall as a minimum be included.
5 Design
5.1 General design requirements
The following design requirements shall apply to all types of connector assemblies:
a) service life time of 30 years;
b) maintenance free throughout service life;
c) minimum 50 surface recoveries;
d) minimum of two years storage onshore as part of the design service life.BS IEC IEEE 61886-1 pdf download.

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