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BS IEC 62954 pdf free download

BS IEC 62954-2019 pdf free download.Nuclear power plants – Control rooms – Requirements for emergency response facilities.
5 ERF basis for design
5.1 General
An overarching principle of this aocument is ihat the emergency pian tor me nuciear power plant site (assumed to comprise one or more reactor units and associated spent fuel storage facilities) imposes overall requirements for the ERF which are further detailed in this document. This includes criteria for the time of activation of the ERF and the responsibilities that are to be transferred from other NPP locations to the ERF.
In some cases the specification and the design of the ERF and the ERF l&C systems will be
done many years after the specification and design of the NPP to which the ERF relates.
There will be technical interaction through interfaces between ERF individual systems and the
NPP existing l&C systems, so that consistent provisions for the exchange of data and
Interoperability of the ERF with the NPP are established.
The ERF buildings and equipment that are difficult to be replaced should be designed with the same life duration as the NPP to which they relate. This duration may include some of the decommissioning period if this is necessary for the plant safety.
5.2 Role and main features
5.2.1 General
The role of the ERF is to provide adequate means, including organization and human expertise, when a plant has experienced a reactor incident, accident or other emergency situation, including a severe reactor accident or severe external hazard, in order:
• to manage the situation and mitigate its consequences;
• to bring relief and assistance to the operating staff on duty;
• to inform official authorities.
The ERF shall be able to cope simultaneously with all units of the NPP in which It is implemented.
As it is impossible to specify all scenarios for which ERF operation may be required, it is necessary to incorporate flexibility and intelligence into the design and operational arrangements in order to maximise the potential for adapting to the actual situation.
Each facility listed below (i.e. ERC, TSC and OSC) may be a building. part of a building or a room.
The organizational relationship between the parts of ERF shall be defined early in the design.
This definition shall comprise clarification of:
• leadership and hierarchy between the parts;
• scope and role of internal and external communication;
• principles for sharing of responsibilities between the three parts and the MCR I SCR.
5.2.2 Emergency Response Centre (ERC)
The ERC is a facility, separate from the MCR, which leads and manages the overall emergency response. This includes coordination with the OSC for the field operations (see 5.2.4) and with the TSC for the technical advice to the operators (see 5.2.3). It also includes managing the flow of information to and from external bodies, including requests for external assistance and any necessary briefings to relevant off-site organizations.
The ERC should have the following operational features:
• a layout that promotes a command and control organisational structure, with facilities for regular briefing sessions, etc.. and separate areas for teams performing independent tasks:
• secure and reliable communications with other parts of the ERF, with the MCR (or SCR, as applicable), with off-site authorities and with other parts of the off-site emergency response organisation:
• a monitoring capability similar to that available in the MCR, including monitoring of radiation levels throughout the NPP and in the immediate locality of the site, and including parameters assigned to severe accidents; the monitored elements should be defined based on a task analysis:
• access to the emergency plans, NPP design information, operating procedures, etc.;
• suitable space I working surfaces for reading documents, writing, etc.
5.2.3 Technical Support Centre (TSC)
The TSC is a facility separate from the MCR from where NPP operations support staff can provide technical support to the control room operators in the event of a reactor incident or accident.BS IEC 62954 pdf download.

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