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BS IEC 61097-2 pdf free download

BS IEC 61097-2-2021 pdf free download.Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) Part 2: Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB一Emergency position indicating radio beacon operating on 406 MHz – Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results.
4.3 Operational
4.3.1 Prevention of inadvertent activation
(See 63.1 and 652)
The EPIRB shall:
a) (MSC.471(101)/A.2.3.1) be fitted with adequate means to prevent inadvertent activation and deactivation;
b) not automatically activate when water washes over it while in its release mechanism, see Table 1:
c) be designed to limit any inadvertent continuous 406 MHz transmission to a maximum of
45 5.
4.3.2 Immersion, buoyancy and drop Into water
(See 6.3.2 and 6.17)
The EPIRB shall:
a) (MSC.471(101)/A.2.3.2) be so designed that the electrical portions are watertight at a depth of 10 m for at least 5 mm. Consideration shall be given to a temperature variation of 45 °C during transitions from the mounted position to immersion. The harmful effects of a marine environment, condensation and water leakage shall not affect the performance of the beacon;
b) (MSC.471(101)/A.2.3.6) be capable of floating upright in calm water and have positive stability and sufficient buoyancy in all sea conditions;
C) (MSC.471(101)/A.2.3.7) be capable of being dropped into the water without damage from a height of 20 m and of being dropped onto a hard surface from 1 m.
4.3.3 Activation
(See 6.3.3)
The following describes the activation of the EPIRB.
NOTE Beacon activation is defined as the point in time at which the initiation of the activation event of the beacon occurs e.g the activation event is either pressing of the ON button, or water sensor immersion.
a) The EPIRB shall (MSC.471(101)/A.2.3.3) be automatically activated after floating free or when floating in the water, irrespective of the settings of any control. See Table 1.
b) The EPIRB shall (MSC.471(101)/A.2.3.4) be capable of repetitive manual activation and manual deactivation.
c) Manual deactivation shall not prevent automatic activation of the EPIRB when automatically released from its release mechanism or when floating in the water.
d) When the EPIRB is manually activated, the low-duty cycle lights (see 4.2 h), i) and j)) shall begin flashing within 2 s, in any lighting condition and when automatically activated it shall begin flashing within 15 s or prior to the first 406 MHz transmission if this is sooner, in any lighting conditions.
e) Distress, homing and locating signals shall comply with 5.2, 5.5 and 5.6.
f) The EPIRB shall (MSC.471(101)IA.2.3.5) be provided with means to indicate that signals are being emitted. The low-duty cycle light operating in accordance with 4.2 h), is an acceptable indication.
g) Once automatically activated, when the EPIRB is removed from the water and allowed to dry, it shall cease activation. General
The EPIRB shall (MSC.471(101)!A.2.3.8) be capable of being tested, without using the satellite system, to determine that the EPIRB is capable of operating properly.
Activation of the test facility shall reset automatically.
The transmitted signals shall be emitted in order of ascending frequency. If the EPIRB radiates both 121,5 MHz and 243 MHz simultaneously, then these signals shall be transmitted twice in the sequence to cover both frequencies.
The self-test shall comply with either and or and below as applicable. First generation beacons (FGB5)
The self-test transmission shall comply with C/S TOOl. When the self-test mode is activated, the EPIRB shall emit a single modulated burst at nominal power which shall always provide the beacon 15 Hex ID.
The 121.5 MHz auxiliary radio locating device signal shall also be transmitted during the self- test, but it shall not exceed three audio sweeps or 1 s, whichever is greater.
The AIS locating signal shall also be transmitted during the self-test and shall consist of two single VHF pulses lasting no more than 26.6 ms each, one transmitted on AIS 1 and the other on AIS 2. The pulse shall be coded as Message 14 containing the Hex ID of the EPIRB on one channel and EPIRB TEST on the other channel. Valid AIS slot timing is not required for this test.
The self-test function shall also check the battery in accordance with 4.3.9 and the functioning
of the GNSS receiver (it is not necessary to obtain a GNSS position during this test), and if the
EPIRB has RLS functionality and has been programmed with an RLS protocol then indicate the
RLS capability (see 5.8.1).
An indication shall be provided to indicate that all parts of the self-test were passed successfully or that there was a failure. Second generation beacons (SGBs)
When the self-test mode (see C/S T.018) is activated, the EPIRB shall emit a single 406 MHz modulated burst at nominal power with the self-test pseudo-random noise (PRN) sequence. It shall be possible to create the 23 Hex ID of the beacon from the transmitted message. The encoded position bits In the message shall be set to their default values. The bits in rotating field #0 shall be set as follows.
— Elapsed time since activation Zero
— Time from last encoded position 2047.BS IEC 61097-2 pdf download.

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