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BS EN ISO 21853 pdf free download

BS EN ISO 21853-2020 pdf free download.Kite boarding – Release system – Safety requirements and test methods.
4.4 Handling
4.4.1 General
It shall be possible to trigger the main release system by a first single action.
It shall be possible to trigger the disconnecting release system it by a second single action.
The action for triggering shall be ergonomically and kinematically suitable for the physiological movements of the user.
It should be possible to trigger the main release system/disconnecting release system with garments, e.g. gloves.
4.4.2 Triggering force
The force to perform the act of triggering shall be ≥20 N and ≤170 N.
Test in accordance with 5.6.1 in relation to certain conditions (see,, 5.6.4, 5.6.5 and, if appropriate, 5.6.6).
The release system shall not show signs of plastic deformation or of having been affected by the tests in any way that could provoke malfunction.
4.4.3 Release force
It shall be possible to trigger the main release system and/or disconnecting release system with one hand only, without any load simulating the pulling force of the kite.
Test in accordance with 5.5.2.
4.4.4 Duration of release
The main release system and/or disconnecting release system shall be triggered in ≤2 s.
Test in accordance with 5.6.1.
4.4.5 Reachability
It shall be possible to trigger the main release system and/or disconnecting release system with either of the user’s hands as described in the user’s manual. The connection points should not be on the back of the user.
4.5 Behaviour during release
All parts of the main release system and/or disconnecting release system designed to disengage as intended by the manufacturer, by the act of triggering, shall disengage (force generated by kite reduced or cancelled).
The disconnecting release system shall further disconnect the user from the kite.
Test in accordance with 5.6.
4.6 Additional requirements for cold and wet conditions
If the release system is designed to be used in cold and wet conditions, it shall be able to trigger the main release system and/or disconnecting release system in extremely cold and humid conditions, as defined in the test conditions.
NOTE Cold and wet conditions are related to snow kiting or other icy condition in which the user is likely to wear gloves or other garments.
Test in accordance with 5.6.6.
4.7 Information supplied by the manufacturer
4.7.1 User’s manual
The manufacturer shall provide information for use in written form at the point of sale with at least the following:
a) reference to this document, i.e. ISO 21853:2020;
b) name and address of the manufacturer;
c) a recommendation to become familiar with the correct use of the release system;
d) warning to check the function of the release system before and after each use;
e) maintenance and cleaning instructions, including detail on wear, tear and replacement;
f) operating instructions outlining the main function(s) of the main release system for which it is designed and tested, each accompanied with illustrations:
1) position of the connection points on the harness or similar means;
2) how to attach the main release system and/or disconnecting release system onto the connection points of the harness or similar means to the user;
3) how to trigger the main release system and/or disconnecting release system;
4) how to reset the main release system and/or disconnecting release system;
g) warning that safety procedures cannot be learnt during an emergency situation and thus the use of the release system requires training, e.g. by a recognized instructor or in a kite school;
h) maximum user weight, recommended to also have minimum user weight.BS EN ISO 21853 pdf download.

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