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BS EN ISO 20320 pdf free download

BS EN ISO 20320-2020 pdf free download.Protective clothing for use in Snowboarding — Wrist Protectors — Requirements and test methods.
5 Testing
5.1 General If no specific methods are specified, compliance with the requirements of this document shall be examined by measurement, visual inspection and tactile examination. Only wrist protectors, as offered for sale shall be tested. One size is tested per range (see Table 1) and the results are valid for all sizes within the range. Manufacturers do not need to supply a size for each range but test results are not transferable between ranges.
According to the two main types of design concept, the testing samples for all performance tests are as follows: — If the wrist protector is built as an integrated protection concept, the complete product (protector and glove) has to be tested. — If the wrist protector is built as a standalone protection concept, the product is to be tested in the configuration as specified in the information supplied by the manufacturer. If one or more types of gloves are foreseen, the protector shall be tested in combination with all type of gloves specified in the information supplied by the manufacturer. The protector shall be mounted as specified in the information supplied by the manufacturer (e.g. underneath or on top of the glove). The sequence of tests shall be as shown in Table 3.
5.2 Sampling For each range to be tested, two pairs of wrist protectors shall be provided (Sample No. 1 and No. 2). For standalone wrist protectors, manufacturers shall provide all type of gloves specified in the information supplied by the manufacturer and for all ranges to be tested If the wrist protector according to the information supplied by the manufacturer (see Clause 7) protects the palm against impact (4.7), a third pair of wrist protectors (No. 3) shall be provided. The test samples shall be supplied with the information supplied by the manufacturer according to Clause 7. 5.3 Conditioning 5.3.1 General All samples shall be conditioned before testing impact strength (5.6), impact performance (5.7) and limitation of extension (5.8), where samples shall be mounted to the prosthesis before conditioning. For standalone wrist protectors, gloves shall be conditioned too. 5.3.2 Room temperature conditioning The mounted samples shall be exposed to a temperature of (20 ± 2) °C for not less than 4 h. Testing shall be completed in the conditioning environment or within 2 min of removal from the environment. 5.3.3 Cold temperature conditioning The samples shall be exposed to a temperature of (−10 ± 2) °C for not less than 4 h. Testing shall be completed in the conditioning environment or within 2 min of removal from the environment.
5.4 Ergonomics An assessor of suitable hand size shall put on, tighten and take off both wrist protectors (left and right) by themselves (without external support) as specified in the information supplied by the manufacturer, including gloves for wrist protectors, provided to be worn with gloves. An assessor shall fix and then unfix themselves to a snowboard by closing and then opening the binding of the snowboard (left and right) while wearing wrist protectors and gloves on both hands (right and left). 5.5 Restraint The wrist protector shall be put on by an assessor with the appropriate hand sizing (see Table 1) in the way specified in the information supplied by the manufacturer. Standalone protection concept to be worn over the glove shall be tested with the type of gloves specified in the information supplied by the manufacturer. Fasten the wrist protector as specified in the information supplied by the manufacturer. A reference line square to the long axis of the fingers, which best represents the mean approach to the positions of the marks showing the joint position [Line 2 of Figure 2 a)] shall be drawn onto the upper surface of the wrist protector. A mark shall be drawn onto the skin of the forearm within 1 cm from the end of the wrist protector [Line 1 of Figure 2 a)]. The assessor shall flex the wrist in palmar and dorsal directions 10 times to the full range of motion. The assessor shall sit or stand with the trunk in a vertical position, the rear side of the upper arm pressed against a vertical support or wall and the forearm with the protector or protector and glove to be tested oriented approximately horizontal. The hand and finger joints shall be maintained in a stretched position during the test. The distance between the reference line and the mark on the forearm shall be measured [Distance l 1 of Figure 2 a)]. The force shall be applied at a rate of <200 mm/s in a direction parallel to the (longitudinal) axis of the forearm, by using a spring balance or similar device with a measuring range of at least 30 N. Forces shall be attached to the inner and to the outer side of the protector [medio-lateral direction, see Figure 2 b)]. Apply the force of (15 ± 1,5) N and maintain for (10 ± 1) s in a direction parallel to the forearm axis. Then release the forces. Measure the distance between the reference line (line 1) and line 2 with an accuracy of ± 2 mm within 5 seconds after release of the applied force [Distance l 2 see Figure 2 c)]. Displacement Δl = l 2 – l 1 Three tests shall be made using the same sample. Reposition and adjust the wrist protector as necessary between the tests.BS EN ISO 20320 pdf download.

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