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BS EN 60599 pdf free download

BS EN 60599-2016 pdf free download.Mineral oil-filled electrical equipment in service — Guidance on the interpretation of dissolved and free gases analysis.
4 Mechanisms of gas formation 4.1 Decomposition of oil Mineral insulating oils are made of a blend of different hydrocarbon molecules containing CH 3 , CH 2 and CH chemical groups linked together by carbon-carbon molecular bonds. Scission of some of the C-H and C-C bonds may occur as a result of electrical and thermal faults, with the formation of small unstable fragments, in radical or ionic form, such as H CH CH CH or C , , , 3 2 (among many other more complex forms), which recombine rapidly, through complex reactions, into gas molecules such as hydrogen (H-H), methane (CH 3 -H), ethane (CH 3 -CH 3 ), ethylene (CH 2 = CH 2 ) or acetylene (CH ≡ CH). C 3 and C 4 hydrocarbon gases, as well as solid particles of carbon and hydrocarbon polymers (X-wax), are other possible recombination products. The gases formed dissolve in oil, or accumulate as free gases if produced rapidly in large quantities, and may be analysed by DGA according to IEC 60567.
Low-energy faults, such as partial discharges of the cold plasma type (corona discharges), favour the scission of the weakest C-H bonds (338 kJ/mol) through ionization reactions and the accumulation of hydrogen as the main recombination gas. More and more energy and/or higher temperatures are needed for the scission of the C-C bonds and their recombination into gases with a C-C single bond (607 kJ/mol), C=C double bond (720 kJ/mol) or C≡C triple bond (960 kJ/mol), following processes bearing some similarities with those observed in the petroleum oil-cracking industry. Ethylene is thus favoured over ethane and methane above temperatures of approximately 500 °C (although still present in lower quantities below). Acetylene requires temperatures of at least 800 °C to 1 200 °C, and a rapid quenching to lower temperatures, in order to accumulate as a stable recombination product. Acetylene is thus formed in significant quantities mainly in arcs, where the conductive ionized channel is at several thousands of degrees Celsius, and the interface with the surrounding liquid oil necessarily below 400 °C (above which oil vaporizes completely), with a layer of oil vapour/decomposition gases in between. Acetylene may still be formed at lower temperatures (<800 °C), but in very minor quantities. Carbon particles form at 500 °C to 800 °C and are indeed observed after arcing in oil or around very hot spots. Oil may oxidize with the formation of small quantities of CO and CO 2 , which can accumulate over long periods of time into more substantial amounts.
4.2 Decomposition of cellulosic insulation The polymeric chains of solid cellulosic insulation (paper, pressboard, wood blocks) contain a large number of anhydroglucose rings, and weak C-O molecular bonds and glycosidic bonds which are thermally less stable than the hydrocarbon bonds in oil, and which decompose at lower temperatures. Significant rates of polymer chain scission occur at temperatures higher than 1 05 °C, with complete decomposition and carbonization above 300 °C (damage fault). Carbon monoxide and dioxide, as well as water, is formed, together with minor amounts of hydrocarbon gases, furanic and other compounds. Furanic compounds are analysed according to IEC 61 1 98, and used to complement DGA interpretation and confirm whether or not cellulosic insulation is involved in a fault. CO and CO 2 formation increases not only with temperature but also with the oxygen content of oil and the moisture content of paper.
4.3 Stray gassing of oil Stray gassing of oil has been defined by CIGRE [6] 1 as the formation of gases in oil heated to moderate temperatures (<200 °C). H 2 , CH 4 and C 2 H 6 may be formed in all equipment at such temperatures or as a result of oil oxidation, depending on oil chemical structure. Stray gassing is a non-damage fault. It can be evaluated using methods described in reference [6] and [1 2]. NOTE Stray gassing of oil has been observed in some cases to be enhanced by the presence in oil of a metal passivator or other additives.
4.4 Other sources of gas Gases may be generated in some cases not as a result of faults in the equipment, but through rusting or other chemical reactions involving steel, uncoated surfaces or protective paints.BS EN 60599 pdf download.

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