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BS EN 197-2 pdf free download

BS EN 197-2-2020 pdf free download.Cement Part 2: Assessment and verification of constancy of performance.
4 Factory production control
4.1 General requirements
4.1.1 Concept Factory production control means the permanent internal control of cement production and consists of internal quality control (see 4.2) complemented by autocontrol testing of samples of cement taken at the point of release 1 (see 4.3). NOTE 1 The requirements of this document as regards factory production control apply to factories and their depots. NOTE 2 The requirements of this document in regards to factory production control take into account the clauses of EN ISO 9001 [2] which are relevant to the production, process control and testing of cement. 4.1.2 Works’ quality documentation The manufacturer’s documentation and procedures for factory production control shall be described in a Works’ quality documentation, which shall adequately describe, amongst other things, for each factory and depot:
a) the quality aims and the organizational structure, responsibilities and powers of the management with regard to product quality and the means to monitor the achievement of the required product quality and the effective operation of the internal quality control (see 4.1.3 and 4.2);
b) the manufacturing and quality control techniques, processes and systematic actions that will be used (see 4.2.1, 4.2.3 and 4.3.2); c) the inspections and tests that will be carried out before, during and after manufacture, and the frequency with which they will be carried out (see 4.2.2, 4.3.1 and 4.3.3). The Works’ quality documentation shall include an adequate system of documentation (see 4.1.4 and 4.3.4).
The Works’ quality documentation shall address and document the procedures operated to ensure that the manufactured cement conforms to the performance(s) declared in accordance with the relevant product standard. The documentation may reference associated documents which provide further details of the autocontrol testing of samples and the internal quality control. For the purpose of this scheme, the term Works’ quality documentation shall be considered to include these associated documents. In the case of an existing quality management system according to EN ISO 9001, the corresponding quality documentation may also be applied for product certification if it meets all the requirements of this document which are relevant to the factory production control of cement. 4.1.3 Quality management system Quality policy statement The Works’ quality documentation shall include a statement by management defining its quality policy, objectives and commitments to the attainment of product quality. Quality manager A quality manager shall be appointed who, irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have defined and adequate authority and responsibility for ensuring that the requirements of this document for the AVCP are implemented and maintained. Internal audits and management review In order to ensure the continuing suitability and effectiveness of the Work’s quality documentation to meet the requirements of this document: a) internal audits covering the scope of this Clause 4; b) a management review of the functioning and the results of the factory production control, taking into account records of the internal audits shall be performed at least once a year. Training The Works’ quality documentation shall describe the measures taken to ensure that all the personnel involved in operations that can affect internal quality control and product quality have appropriate experience or training. Appropriate records shall be retained.
4.1.4 System of documentation Document control All documents and data related to factory production control and to this scheme for the AVCP shall be controlled. This control shall ensure that the appropriate issues of all documents are available at essential locations, that obsolete documents are withdrawn and that changes or modifications to any document are effectively introduced. A system shall be established to identify the current version of documents in order to prevent the use of non-applicable documents. Quality records Records shall be retained to provide evidence of factory production control for at least the period required.BS EN 197-2 pdf download.


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