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BS EN 17088 pdf free download

BS EN 17088-2021 pdf free download.Side curtain ventilation systems – Safety.
For correct operation ofside curtains, the manufacturer shall state the maximum wind speed (within the operating instructions, 5.9.4) where the system can be operated without risk offailure ofthe system.
The deflection ofthe curtain or other elements resulting from the differential pressure specified shall not cause permanent deformations which will affect the functioning of the system or create any risk of jamming.
5.2.4 Steel wire ropes, synthetic ropes, and straps General
Steel wire ropes, synthetic ropes, and straps, etc. shall be suitable for the intended application with regards to strength, durability and corrosion resistance.
For suspension elements, a single wire rope, synthetic rope, or strap, etc. can only be used ifa failure of the element will result in the curtain falling under gravity in a safe manner, i.e. the falling curtain will be restrained in a controlled manner that would not expose people near to it to increased risk of crushing, shearing, entanglement, drawing-in or trapping.
Where two or more suspension elements are used, it shall be ensured that the dead loads are shared in a pre-determined way.
The guaranteed minimum breaking strength ofsuch a suspension element determined by calculations of the maximum load it has to support, multiplied by the safety factor (Table 1).
All such suspension elements shall have terminations and/or joints with a breaking load of no less than 90 % ofthat ofthe element, or a suspension element safety factor design working load. Terminations on a drum shall always have a minimum oftwo full turns left on a drum in the terminal position. Measures shall be taken to ensure that terminations cannot be accidentally detached.
Where such suspension elements enter grooves on drums or pulleys, the design shall ensure that the elements are aligned correctly to allow entry of the suspension elements.
Suspension element drums mounted up to a height of 2,7 m above floor level or another permanent level shall be fitted with a guard. Steel wire ropes
For steel wire ropes, where failure of the rope would result in increased levels of risk to crushing, shearing, entanglement, drawing-in or trapping:
— each steel wire rope shall have a safety factor of no less than 6 (minimum breaking strength/static load);
— rope pulleys and rope drums shall have a pitch circle diameter (P.C.D.) at least equal to 20 times the rope diameter;
— rope drums shall be grooved, and the ropes coiled in only one layer;
— rope pulleys shall be designed so that the steel wire rope cannot jump out ofthe pulley.
Steel wire ropes used commonly in systems typically will not result in increased levels of risk, i.e. if the curtain falls down in safe manner (e.g. within the wind bracing). For steel wire ropes where failure of the rope would not result in increased levels of risk:
— each steel wire rope shall have a safety factor of no less than 3 (minimum breaking strength/static load);
— rope pulleys and rope drums which have a pitch circle diameter (P.C.D.) less than 20 times the rope diameter shall be tested so as to ascertain the number of cycles until failure of the cable when supporting the design load. This number ofcycles shall then be used in calculating the service life of the rope, and this then stated in the operating instructions, 5.9.4, to the end user. Synthetic ropes and straps
For a synthetic rope or strap where failure ofthe rope would result in increased levels ofrisk to crushing, shearing, entanglement, drawing-in and trapping, the rope or strap shall have a safety factor not smaller than 6 (minimum breaking strength/static load).
For a synthetic rope or strap where failure of the rope would not result in increased levels of risk, the rope or strap shall have a safety factor not smaller than 3 (minimum breaking strength/static load).
5.2.5 Mechanical durability
A side curtain is subject to dynamic forces both from weather and from the curtain itself moving. The manufacturer of the system shall consider the presence of these dynamic forces when specifying components and fixings within the product.
The mechanical performance of the side curtain shall be ensured, subject to prescribed maintenance, for a number of operational cycles or a minimum time period when operated automatically, to be declared by the manufacturer.
5.2.6 Protection against cutting and abrasion
There has to be protection against cutting and shearing, either with guarding the dangerous zones or using combinations of risk reducing methods. A speed of v < 33 mm/s is seen as safe against cutting and shearing with adult persons. With children, the combination of a speed of v < 33 mm/s and pulse-pause ( in automatic mode, the risk is effectively minimized.
As far as their purpose allows, accessible parts of the machinery shall have no sharp edges, no sharp angles and no rough surfaces which are likely to cause injury.
5.2.7 Mechanical maintenance General
The following requirements for through life maintenance of the side curtain shall be adhered to in the design of the system. Subclause 5.9 details the documentation required to advise the end user of when and how the system will need to be maintained to ensure through life safe operation. Machinery maintenance
Adjustment and maintenance points shall be located outside of danger zones. It shall be possible to carry out adjustment, maintenance, repair, cleaning and servicing operations while the system is at a standstill. The machine has to be cut off from the energy supply and any remaining or stored energy discharged.
Components that may have to be changed routinely throughout the operating life of the system (stated in the maintenance instructions, 5.9.6) shall be capable of being removed and replaced easily and safely. Access to the components shall enable these tasks to be carried out with the necessary technical means in accordance with a specified operating method. Access to workplaces and servicing areas
The side curtain shall be designed and constructed in such a way as to allow safe access to all areas where
intervention is necessary during operation, adjustment and maintenance.BS EN 17088 pdf download.

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