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BS EN 17066-1 pdf free download

BS EN 17066-1-2019 pdf free download.Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods – Requirements and testing Part 1: Container.
5.3 K-value measurement
5.3.1 Testing conditions Distinction is made between containers in general and tanks during testing. The quality of the thermal insulation of the container is tested in the steady-state conditions using the internal heating method. The heat dissipated by the electrical resistance fan heaters shall not exceed a heat dissipation of 1 W/cm2 and the heater units shall be protected by a casing of low emissivity. The air in the conditioned test room shall be continuously circulated in horizontal and longitudinal direction so that its velocity at a distance of 100 mm土10 mm of the walls of the container shall be between 1 m/s and 2 m/s, except for small container where the air is limited between 0,4 m/s and 0,6 m/s. The air velocity shall be verified in the centre of the lateral surfaces. For determination of the internal and external temperatures the accuracy of the temperature measurement chain shall be within +0,3 K. All temperature and active power consumption measurements shall be made with automatic recording devices. All temperature sensors shall be measured at the same time (that means within a period of less than 10 s) and the arithmetic mean shall be calculated for each recorded values. The arithmetic mean of each individual temperature sensor shall be recorded for all intervals during a sequence of 120 s Electrical cable losses between the heat input measuring instrument and the tested container shall be established by a measurement or calculation and subtracted from the total heat input measured. Equipment for the generation and distribution of heat shall be arranged on the inside of the empty container. The heat exchangers or electrical heating appliances shall be fitted with fans sufficient to obtain an air flow of (60土15) % times per hour related to the inner volume of the tested container, in the case of small containers [40 土20) %, to ensure that a homogeneous temperature inside the container. Each measurement involves uncertainties caused by the measurement arrangement, the method of measurement and the measuring instruments, as well as the readings. The calculated overall uncertainties shall not exceed the limits of Table 1.
5.3.2 Test procedure The container shall be located at minimum 0,30 m from the floor. The air shall be free to circulate under the tested container during the test. The container shall be ftted with temperatures measuring sensors located at a distance of 100 mm from the walls internally and externally. The number and position of temperature sensors shall be determined, depending of the container inner volume, according to Table 2:
If the surfaces of the container are not parallel, the points of measurement for the main corners and main surface areas shall be distributed such that it corresponds best to the actual shape.
For a compartment which is a fixed part of a container, the temperatures should be measured at the corresponding points of this compartment.
After closing doors and hatches, the equipment for the generation and distribution of heat and themeasurement devices for determination of the heating capacity and the heat equivalent of the air-circulating fans shall be started up.
The test shall be continued until the steady-state conditions have been verified.
After reaching the steady-state conditions, the temperature difference between the points ofmeasurement showing the highest and lowest temperatures shall not exceed 2 K except tanks (see C.1)for both the external and internal air temperatures of the container and temperatures shall not vary by more than +1,0 K during the preceding 6 h.
The mean inside and outside temperatures from the beginning until the end of the calculation period of at least 6 h shall not differ by more than 0,2 K.
The difference between the heating power measured over two periods of not less than 3 h at the start and at the end of the steady-state period, and separated by at least 6 h, shall be less than 3 %.
The mean values of the temperatures and heating capacity over at least the last 6 h of the steady-state period will be used in K-value calculation.
All results obtained shall be recorded in the test report in accordance with Clause 6.BS EN 17066-1 pdf download.

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