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BS EN 17038-1 pdf free download

BS EN 17038-1-2019 pdf free download.Pumps – Methods of qualification and verification of the Energy Efficiency Index for rotodynamic pump units Part 1: General requirements and procedures for testing and calculation of Energy Efficiency Index (EEI)q.
For calculating P1, avg. the electric power input P1 shall be known for each value Q/Qioo of the reference flow-time profile.
But as for the flow-time profiles, common and standardized correlations II/Ilioo % =f(Q/Qioo are needed as basis for indicating and comparing the energy efficiency of pump units placed on the market and/or put into service as extended products. These standardized correlations H/Il100 —f(Q/Qioo J are called reference pressure control curves in this document and are defined in subsequent parts of this standard.
For calculating P1 avg in the case of variable speed operation, the electric power input P1 shall be determined at the relative flow rate values Q/Qioo of the relevant reference load-flow profile and for the corresponding rotational speed n.
NOTE 2 EspecIally at low values of Q/Qioo the electric power input P1 is considerably higher for pump units operated at constant motor stator frequency than for speed controlled pump units. This holds true independently of the actual pressure control curve.
4.3 The reference electric power input P1, ref
For assessing the energy efficiency of pump units within the scope of this document, a non-dimensional value Is needed which directly reflects the energy efficiency of pump units. The numerical magnitude of this value shall be independent of parameters which influence the unit component’s efficiency such as, for example, their geometrical size and nominal power. For this purpose, the actual electrical power input P1. avg averaged according to Fornaulaji) is divided by an appropriate reference value P1, ,.. This reference value shall:
— have a physical basis;
— consider relevant influences on the electrical power input of pump units;
— be independent from the efficiency related quality of individual components of the pump unit.
The chosen definitions of P1, ref which fulfil these requirements are given in other parts of this standard.
5 Qualification of pump unit types in respect to their Energy Efficiency Index
5.1 General remarks
The qualification of a pump unit type in respect to the Energy Efficiency Index (EEl) is the responsibility of the company which places it on the market and/or puts it into service.
Product information on EEl of a pump unit type can either state the (legally) required EEl in the format “EEl < O.XX or can indicate a lower value EE1 < 0.YY if the pump unit type is qualified for that and the manufacturer decides so. EEl values shall be rounded to two decimal places.
5.2 Qualification methods
Generally, the method which is applied to determine the EEl-value in the frame of the qualification procedure is left to the company which is responsible.
In this document, two methods of qualification are described. Both methods result in a high probability of a successful verification:
1) Tests on complete pump units and evaluation of the test results to determine the EEl-value.
2) Determination of the EEl-value by applying a semi-analytical model of the complete pump unit.
These methods are described in detail in specific parts of this standard for the respective types of pump units.
1) In the case of qualification by tests on complete pump units the following procedure shall be applied:
To qualify a pump unit type for conformity to requirements by law with respect to the EEl-value, tests and evaluations shall be carried out by taking pump units randomly out of the pump unit population. From the result of measurements and evaluations, the mean value EElmean shall be determined (for example as described in Annex B). The pump unit type is then qualified for conformity to law if the mean EEl-value determined as described above fulfils the condition
EElrnean C EEldecIariJ <EElaIIowjhIe (3)
where the value EEIaIlowable is prescribed by law. EElmean is without any tolerance for the qualification procedure. In the verification procedure, according to Clause 6. a tolerance tEEI = 7 % is applied to the value of EEl5 which results from verification tests. This tolerance is not part of the method to qualify a pump unit type by the supplier and shall not be applied on the result of the qualification procedure.
2) In the case of qualification by applying the semi-analytical models as described in other parts of Standard, the EEl-value resulting from the calculations (considering uncertainties of input values and model errors), taken as the mean value EElmen:
— is used to qualify the pump unit type for conformity to law per Eormulaj3j;
— and can be indicated as numerical valuewith twodigitsafterthe decimal point on the nameplates and/or In the technical documentation.
6 Verification of the Energy Efficiency Index for pump units
6.1 General remarks
The Indicated Energy Efficiency Index can be checked and confirmed by an independent institution, e.g. in the frame of market surveillance. This is called verification procedure in this document.BS EN 17038-1 pdf download.

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