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BS EN 16524 pdf free download

BS EN 16524-2020 pdf free download.Mechanical products — Methodology for reduction of environmental impacts in product design and development.
5 Overview of the framework for the methodology (Preparatory step 0: strategic analysis)
5.1 General The methodology described in this document shall be applied by a multidisciplinary project team with recognized environmental competencies, supported by management, and involving all corporate functions likely to be impacted. Management of the company shall be involved at the key steps of the methodology, especially when ranking the design options and the development of associated technical solutions that require defining the main actors, the needed time, and the available resources. NOTE The team concept is used with the purpose of combining different competencies and functions, and does not necessarily require different physical persons. Figure 3 provides a framework in which context it can be assessed whether the application of the methodology would be appropriate/beneficial for the company. There are two main go/no go points:
— The first after the general strategic and product analysis for the company,
— The second after the conclusion of the case study to extend the use of the methodology for other products of the company.
5.2 Preparatory step 0: strategic analysis at company level
5.2.1 Objective
Before starting an ecodesign approach, it is worthwhile to better understand the context of the company and the project, in terms of:
— Legal applicable requirements, market needs or requirements (specifications),
— Customers’ unexpressed needs (their own legal requirements or constraints),
— Feedbacks in the company (case studies, green procurement, existing practices for environment, etc.),
— Available standards, ecolabels, practices in the sector,
— Competitors’ behaviours or practices (their communication on environmental issues, certification, etc.),
— Possible Suppliers’ contributions.
5.2.2 Procedure A benchmark on the various points enumerated above shall be done. Based on the results of the strategic analysis combined with an economic analysis (which costs, which gains, etc.), top management will have sufficient data to determine if ecodesign can serve the company’s strategy and if it is relevant to launch an ecodesign project. The SWOT (Strength/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats analysis) tool can be interesting to have a final decision.
5.2.3 Documentation of the preparatory step 0
— Report on strategic analysis, including all information mentioned above,
— Formal decision of the top management whether or not an ecodesign project (according to this document) should be started.
6 Description of the methodology
6.1 General After the preparatory step 0 (strategic analysis, see Clause 5), the methodology described in this document, which is based on five steps set out below that are linked with the design and development process for a product (see Figures 4 and 5), shall be applied:
— Step 1: determination of the scoring of the environmental aspects of the reference product,
— Step 2: selection/ranking of design options,
— Step 3: choice of suitable DO and EA indicators related to the reference product,
— Step 4: evaluation of the redesign using DO and EA indicators,
— Step 5: final assessment and consideration for future activities. The objective and the procedure to be followed for each step are described in 6.2 to 6.6. The procedures are specified in the form of instructions. The output documents of each step are inputs for the next step and shall be validated by the project team before going to this next step. NOTE In this document, “methodology” is used for the overall approach of reducing environmental impacts; “method” is used for specific tasks, such as an indicator calculation.BS EN 16524 pdf download.

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