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BS EN 16429 pdf free download

BS EN 16429-2021 pdf free download.Stationary source emissions一Reference method for the determination of the concentration of gaseous hydrogen chloride (HC) in waste gases emitted by industrial installations into the atmosphere.
8 Field operation
8.1 Measurement plan and sampling strategy
The measurement plan and the sampling strategy shall be carried out in accordance with EN 15259 requirements.
The homogeneity can be demonstrated according to EN 15259.
To avoid long response times, the sample Line shall be as short as possible. If necessary, a bypass pump shall be used.
Typically, the following characteristics of flue gases should be considered before a fIeld campaign:
— temperature ofexhaust gases;
— flue gas moisture content and acid dew point;
— dust loading;
— presence of NH3
— expected concentration range of HCI and emission limit values;
— expected concentration of potentially interfering substances, including at least the components listed in Table 1; and
— flue gas cleaning system.
The measuring range shall be chosen to be adapted to the measuring task.
8.2 Setting ofthe analyser on site
8.2.1 General
The complete measuring system, the sampling line including the conditioning unit, where required and the analyser, shall be connected according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The probe is inserted so that its open end is at the representative measurement point(s) in the duct (see 8.1).
After pre-heating, the flow passing through the sampling system and the analyser shall be adjusted to the chosen flow rate to be used during measurement. This flow should be maintained at a constant level.
The conditioning unit, where required, sampling probe, filter, connection tube and analyser shall be stabilized with respect to temperature before adjustment ofthe analyser.
Time resolution ofthe data recording system shall he adapted to the measuring task and to the response time ofthe measuring system.
8.2.2 Preliminary zero and span check, and adjustments Test gases
The relative expanded uncertainty on the certified reference material used for the span check shall be no more than 2,5 %.
The zero gas shall be a gas containing no significant amount of hydrogen chloride (for example, nitrogen or purified air). For reasons given in C.3, the gas shall be wet.
When the analyser is used for regulatory purposes, the wet span gas shall have a known concentration of approximately 50 % to 90 % ofthe chosen measuring range or at the concentration level ofthe site. Adjustment ofthe analyser
At the beginning ofthe measuring period, the zero and span gases are supplied to the measurement port of the analyser. Adjustments are made until the correct zero and span gas values are given by the data sampling system. Check ofthe sampling system, for leaks and losses
The sampling line shall be checked for leakage and losses according to the following procedure.
Zero and span gases are supplied to the analyser through the sampling system, as close as possible to the inlet of the line (in front of the filter if possible). Differences between the readings obtained during the adjustment of the analyser and during the check shall be lower than 2 % of P-AMS chosen measuring range.
NOTE 1 A passivation time ofseveral minutes could be required to reach a stable HCI reading.
If the leakage and losses test failed, follow manufacturer’s instructions.
NOTE 2 The cause being leakage can be eliminated by sealing offthe end ofthe probe and switching on the pump and checking that the flow rate does not exceed more than 2 % of the flow rate expected to be used during measurement.
NOTE 3 Measuring oxygen at the entrance and at the exit of the sample gas line is a possible method to determine if the failure is due to a leak (greater oxygen at the exit of the line) or losses (oxygen remains unchanged).
During the validation of this document, it has been noticed that some material might adsorb or desorb HCI. With some P-AMS using stainless steel (probe, filter, connections) it has been observed desorption phenomena when the probe is inserted into the duct that could affect the signal during more than 30 mm. The user should evaluate the importance of these phenomena to reduce their impact of this induced effect and remove data corresponding to this affected period or reducing their importance by extending the measurement time.
8.2.3 Zero and span checks after measurement
At the end of the measuring period and at least once a day, zero and span checks shall be performed at the inlet of the sampling probe by supplying test gases. The results of these checks (i.e. deviations between checks before and after measurement) shall be documented and included in the measurement report.
If the span or zero drifts are greater than 2,0 % of the span value, it is necessary to correct both for zero and span drifts.
The drift of zero and span shall be lower than 5,0 % of the span value; otherwise, the results shall be rejected.BS EN 16429 pdf download.

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