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BS EN 16094 pdf free download

BS EN 16094-2021 pdf free download.Laminate floor coverings一Test method for the determination of micro-scratch resistance.
4 Principle
The sample is fixed on a horizontal table. A circular scrub material fixed on a holder impacts on the sample with a defined load. Table and holder are moved perpendicular to each other in a translational movement, with defined frequencies, tracing a Lissajous figure. The holder is additionally freely rotatable around its own axis perpendicular to the horizontal plane.
The sample is exposed to the scrub material for a predetermined number of rubs. The changes of the surface are determined by gloss measurement and visual assessment.
5 Apparatus and materials
5.1 Martindale tester
The Martindale tester shall be as described in EN ISO 12947-1 with the following exceptions:
— the abrading table is the table for the sample;
— the clamping ring and mechanism” is not necessary;
— the specimen holder’ is the holder for the scrub material;
— the loading pieces” are not necessary.
5.2 Holder for scrub material
The holder for scrub material shall be as described in EN ISO 12945-2, with the following exceptions:
— version 1: the rubber retaining ring is not required. This assembly consists of spindle, scrub holder and small ring weight. The total mass of this assembly is (413 ± 2) g (nominally called 4N);
— version 2: the assembly according to version 1, however the small ring weight is replaced by the large weight. The total mass of this assembly is (612 ± 2) g (nominally called 6N).
5.3 Diffuse light source
Light source with artificial light providing evenly diffused light giving an illumination on the test surface of(1 200 ± 400) lx.
5.4 Reflectometer
For gloss measurement with 3 angle measurement geometry as described in EN ISO 2813.
5.5 Positioning device
For gloss measurement on the same position before and after the test with 4 measurement points. An example of a positioning device is shown in Figure 1.
5.6 Scrub materials
The scrub material shalt be a nylon web imbedded with alumina abrasive. Three types of scrub materials (very fine, medium fine and ultra-fine) are to be used. The scrub materials shall be cut or stamped on a diameter of (89 ± 1) mm.
NOTE Scotch Brite fleece SB 7447 (very fine), SB 7440 (medium tine) and SB 7448+ (ultra4lne) are examples of a suitable product available commercially. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by CEN of this product.
5.7 Double-sided tape
The double-sided tape is to attach the scrub material on the guide plate of the holder and the sample on the table.
5.8 Soft cotton cloth
The soft cotton cloth is for cleaning of the samples before and after the test.
5.9 Reference black high gloss HPL with anti-scratch surface by corundum in the surface layer
Every new batch of scrub material shall be tested on this HPL plate as described in 8.2.2, 8.2.3 and 8.2.4.
NOTE James Heal Article Nr. JH701—501 is an example of a suitable product available commercially. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by CEN of this product.
6 Assembly and maintenance of the Martindale tester
The assembly of the tester shall he carried out in accordance with the instructions of the apparatus manufacturer. For the described test, the outer position C shall be used for both axes to create the larger Lissajous figure as explained in EN ISO 12947-1 or the manufacture guidebook.
The checking of the Lissajous figure shall be done according to Annex A.
7 Preparation and conditioning
7.1 Preparation
Six samples with the dimensions of 150 mm x 150 mm shall be prepared for the micro-scratch test and three additional samples with the same dimensions for testing of the polishing resistance. The surface of the samples shall be substantially flat.
lithe panel width is smaller than 150 mm, assemble a sample of two parts with length joint in the middle.
7.2 Conditioning
Conditioning of test surface shall begin at least one week before testing and shall be carried out in air at a temperature of(23 ± 2) °C and relative humidity of (50 ± 5) %.
8 Test procedure
8.1 General
Two different procedures (A / B) are described for the micro-scratch resistance test. One procedure (C)
is described for the resistance to polishing. Procedure C is meant for mat surfaces (3.4). All the
necessary parameters (scrub material, load, speed, number of cycles) are shown in Table 1.BS EN 16094 pdf download.

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