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BS EN 14654-3 pdf free download

BS EN 14654-3-2021 pdf free download.Drain and sewer systems outside buildings一 Management and control of activities Part 3: Drain and sewer cleaning.
4 General
Cleaning activities in drains and sewers can be carried out pro-actively, to prevent problems occurring or to clean a drain or sewer before particular operations (e.g. an inspection or renovation work) or reactively in response to problems that have occurred.
The requirements for pro-active cleaning can be identified through a rehabilitation plan, a maintenance plan involving periodic monitoring or as part of an integrated sewer system management plan in accordance with EN 752. Consideration shall also be given to the feasibility of preventing deposition of sediments for example by rehabilitation of the sewer.
This document applies the process described in EN 14654-1 for implementing cleaning activities in the integrated drain and sewer system management plan. This document shall be used in conjunction with
EN 14654-1.
5 Integrated sewer system management planning
5.1 Introduction
Cleaning activities are one aspect of the maintenance plan, as part of an integrated sewer system management plan. A maintenance plan dealing with cleaning activities should be in place for the drain and sewer system prior to carrying out major programmes of sewer cleaning. However, this is not always possible if works are required urgently (e.g. in response to a sewer failure).
5.2 Cleaning aims
The principal aims of carrying out cleaning work can include:
a) Pro-active cleaning
to ensure that the performance of the drain or sewer system is acceptable;
2) to prolong the operational life and maintain the value of the asset;
3) to control septicity to reduce associated odour, health and potential corrosion problems;
4) to limit polluting discharges into receiving water bodies;
5) to enable inspection or renovation of the drain or sewer system;
6) to optimize the effectiveness of key components of the system at critical times (e.g. prior to heavy rain seasons, busy periods in tourist sites);
7) to facilitate inspection.
b) Reactive cleaning
to restore the flow (e.g. by removing a blockage);
2) to restore the function of the drain or sewer system;
3) to reduce septicity and odour problems (e.g. by removing sediments).
The nature of the aim can determine the degree of cleaning necessary.
6 Preparation of the cleaning programme
6.1 Introduction
The cleaning programme defines the approach to be taken to cleaning in each drain or sewer, either specifically or as part of a group of drains or sewers. The cleaning programme defines a series of projects, in line with the integrated sewer system management plan, to ensure that the drain and sewer system meets the performance requirements.
6.2 Review of the cleaning activities planning
A review should be undertaken of the cleaning aspects of the operations and maintenance plan within
the integrated sewer system management plan.
6.3 Investigation
6.3.1 Introduction
The location of the sections of drains and sewers where proactive cleaning is to be carried out and the assessment of the cleaning frequencies shall be based on:
a) an understanding of the characteristics and structural condition of the drain and sewer system;
b) an analysis of its performance;
c) a review of the available information which may include the performance of similar systems elsewhere.
The different sections of the sewer shall be described according to the information collected in order to optimize the cleaning programme.
The scope of the investigations necessary to produce the cleaning programme will depend on the extent of the investigations carried out during the preparation of the integrated sewer system management plan and on the characteristics of the individual systems.
6.3.2 RevIew of previous Investigations
A review should be undertaken of the information available. The review should include:
a) inventory data
type of effluent (foul wastewater, surface water, combined sewage or specific effluents);
2) sewer characteristics (shape, size, slope, depth, material, etc.), presence and characteristics of combined sewer overflows and other ancillaries;BS EN 14654-3 pdf download.

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