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BS EN 1428 pdf free download

BS EN 1428-2000 pdf free download.Methods of test for petroleum and its products Ð BS 2000-291: Bitumen and bituminous binders Ð Determination of water content in bitumen emulsions Ð Azeotropic distillation method (Identical with IP 291-2000.
5 Reagents and materials
Use only reagents of recognized analytical grade and water conforming to grade 3 of
EN ISO 3696.
5.1 Anhydrous anti-bumping granules, with a higher density than the liquid under test.
5.2 Suitable solvent-carrier liquid.
NOTE: In seiectiig a solvent-crie hquid, attention should be drawn to any relevant safety re9ijatloris However. xylene conforming to ISO 5280 [Ij is reconnended for rouline tests and toluene conforming to ISO 5272 [21 is reorwnended lot referee tests
6 Apparatus
Usual laboratory apparatus and gLassware, together with the following.
6.1 Distillation apparatus. (see Figure 1)consisting of the following: the flask, receiver and reflux condenser being connected with suitable ground glass joints.
6.1.1 Flask, 500 ml round bottomed with a short neck capable of accommodating the reflux tube of the receiver.
6.1.2 Receiver or trap, with a 25 ml nominal capacity graduated to 0.1 ml,
6.1.3 Reflux condenser, water-cooled with a minimum length of jacket of 300 mm.
6.1.4 Heater.
NOTE An electric flask heater with electronic power regafion is recommended Wi order to obtain controlled det*aiion,
6.2 Stainless wire, with looped-end or fitted with a rubber stopper.
6.3 Balance, of suf6cient capacity, accurate to 0,01 9.
7 Sampling
The laboratory sample shall be sampled In accordance with EN 58. Preparation of test samples shall be made in accordance with EN 12594
The prepared sample shall be divided into two portions: for referee purposes, both portions shall be tested (see note to clause 10).
8 Procedure
8.1 VerIfication of apparatus
When necessary, the apparatus shall be verified in accordance with the procedure given in
annex A.
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EN 1428:1999
NOTE The verification ocedure should tie cried out on new apparatus before using it for the firel time and existing apparatus should be dIecked annually
8.2 Test
8.2.1 Carry out the procedure under normal laboratory conditions.
8.2.2 Before commencing a test, ensure that the distillation apparatus is clean and dry.
8.2.3 Weigh a sample of the emulsion under test, of such a size that the distillation of
15 ml to 25 ml of water can be expected, into the round bottomed flask (6.11).
NOTE. To pievent splasiles of emulsion onto the nec* of the flask. It is recommended that the test matensi Is potKed into the flask using a wwe
Add approximately 100 ml of solvent-carrier liquid (5.2) and a few anti-bumping granules (5.1)to the flask.
8.2.4 Assemble the apparatus and insert a loose plug of cotton wool in the top of the condenser tube (6.1.3) to prevent the condensation of atmospheric moisture in the condenser lube.
8.2.5 Heat the flask to boiling point, adjusting the rate of boiling so that condensate falls from the end of the condenser at a rate of two drops to five drops per second.
8.2.6 If there is water In the condenser tube or adhering to the sides of the receiver, dislodge it with the stainless steel wire (6.2). Continue distillation until the volume of water in the receiver Is constant and no water Is visible other than in the receiver.
8.2.7 Rinse the condenser with solvent-carrier liquid (5.2) from a wash bottle.
8.2.8 Allow a clear interface to develop between the water and solvent layers in the receiver then read off the volume of water to the nearest 0,1 ml.
9 Calculation
Calculate the water content of the material under test (w). as a percentage by mass, using the following equation.BS EN 1428 pdf download.

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