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BS EN 14243-1 pdf free download

BS EN 14243-1-2019 pdf free download.Materials obtained from end of life tyres Part 1: General definitions related to the methods for determining their dimension(s) and impurities.
This document provides general definitions for sample collection and preparation of a representative sample based on a sampling plan for the purpose of determining dimensions and impurities.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 14243-2:2019, Materials obtained from End-of-life tyres — Part 2: Granulates and powders — Methods for determining the particle size distribution and impurities, including free steel and free textile content
EN 14243-3:2019. Materials obtained from End-of-life tyres — Part 3: Shreds, cuts and chips — Methods for determining their dimension(s) including protruding filaments dimensions
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
• IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
• ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp
3.1 Sampling and sample preparation
31.1 sample
portion of material selected from a larger quantity of material
ISOURCE: IUPAC definition]
3.1.2 sub-sample
portion of a sample
31.3 increment
sub-portion of material extracted in a single operation by the sampling device
ISOURCE: ISO 13909-1:2016, 3.15, modified]
3.1.4 characteristic
property which helps to identify or differentiate items of a given population
NOTE The characteristic may be either quantitative (by variables) or qualitative (by attributes).
3.1.5 lot
defined quantity of material for which a characteristic is to be determined
Note 1 to entry: In sampling standards the lot is also designated as the scale.
Note 2 to entry: The lot (or the scale) is a stated weight or volume of material that is considered appropriate for assessing a given characteristic of the material. When several characteristics are determined, the corresponding lots may not be identical.
BS EN 14243-1:2019
EN 14243-1:2019 (E)
Note 3 to entry: Variations occurring in the material on a smaller scale than the defined lot are not taken into account and are deemed not to be of relevance.
3.1.6 combined sample
sample consisting of all the increments taken from a lot
NOTE A combined sample Is a quantity of material, representative of the lot for which the characteristic Is to be determined.
3.1.7 field sample
sample taken in the place of production and from which laboratory samples are created
3.1.8 laboratory sample
sample or sub-sample sent to or received by the laboratory
[SOURCE: IUPAC definition]
Note 1 to entry: The laboratory sample is the final sample from the point ol view or sample collection but it is tne initial sample from the point of view of the laboratory testing and analysis.
Note 2 to entry: Several laboratory samples can be prepared and sent to different laboratories or they can be sent to the same laboratory for different purposes. In the latter case, they are generally considered a single laboratory sample and documented as such.
3.1.9 test sample
sample prepared from the laboratory sample, by subdivision, mixing, or crushing, or by a combination of these processes from which the test portions are removed for testing or for analysis
[SOURCE: IUPAC definition]
3.1.10 test portion
quantity or volume removed from the test sample for analysis purposes
[SOURCE: IUPAC definition]
3.1.11 population
totality of items, or total volume of material, to be investigated by sampling
NOTE The population will generally be a convenient, well-defined subset of the overall population (e.g. a year’s production olmaterial) that is believed to be typical of that wider population.
3.1.12 representative sample
sample resulting from a sampling plan that can be expected to adequately reflect the properties of interest of the parent population.
[SOURCE: IUPAC definition]
NOTE This sample is expected to reflect adequately the properties of interest in the parent population.
3.113 probabilistic sampling
sampling conducted according to the statistical principles of sampling.BS EN 14243-1 pdf download.

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