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BS EN 1366-5 pdf free download

BS EN 1366-5-2021 pdf free download.Fire resistance tests for service installations Part 5: Service ducts and shafts.
6.3 Design
6.3.1 Generai
The test shall be made on a test specimen, representative of the complete service duct or shaft assembly. 6.3.2 Duct and shaft arrangement General
The exposure condition (fire inside or fire outside) shall be as specified by the sponsor. Ducts shall be arranged as shown in Figures 1 or 2 and shafts shall be arranged as shown in Figures 3 or 4. Service ducts or shafts with fire exposure from outside will have no openings in the furnace (except access panels and service outlets). For service ducts or shafts exposed to an internal fire, the end of the service duct or shaft facing into the furnace shall he left open. No service ducts or service shafts shall contain anything other than the loading defined in 4.3.
If a service outlet is part of the system this service outlet shall be tested with a distance to the penetration
through the wall or floor not lower than intended in practice.
Where used in practice, each service duct or shaft shall incorporate one access opening as follows:
— fire outside: inside furnace at mid-span of two suspensions;
— fire inside: as shown in Figure 2 (the dimensions may be applied also to vertical shafts).
For the test, the access opening shall be at the bottom of the duct except the access opening is in practice only on a side or on the top. In this case the access opening shall be installed as in practice. The width and height of the access opening shall be representative of the maximum dimensions used in practice, the thickness shall be the minimum dimension used in practice.
Vertical shafts shall be arranged as shown in Figures 3 or 4 and shall penetrate through the furnace roof slab/supporting construction. The shafts shall be supported at the furnace roof level as they would be supported in practice when penetrating a floor (as specified by the sponsor). Joints in horizontal service ducts
For the fire test with fire from outside the test configuration shall include at least one joint inside and at least one joint outside the furnace. There shall be at least one joint for every layer, both inside and outside the furnace.
For the fire test with fire from inside these rules only apply for the part of the specimen outside the furnace.
Outside the furnace, the joint in the outer layer of the fire protection material shall be recorded and it may be not nearer than 100 mm to thermocouples T2 in accordance with 9.1. Inside the furnace, the joint in the outer layer of fire protection material shall be located at approximately mid-span. The location of joints in inner layers shall be as specified by the sponsor.
The distance between joints and suspension devices shall not be less than that used in practice. If the minimum distance has not been specified, suspension devices shall be arranged so that the joint at mid- span lies midway between them. Distances between the suspension devices shall be specified by the sponsor and shall be representative of practice. Joints in vertical service shafts
For the vertical shaft exposed to fire from inside, the test configuration shall include at least one joint outside the furnace. There shall be at least one joint for every layer.
For the vertical shaft exposed to fire from outside, the test arrangement shall include at least one joint inside and one joint outside the furnace. There shall be at least one joint both inside and outside the furnace in every layer of fire protection material.
For fire from inside and for fire from outside: outside the furnace, the joint in the outer layer of the fire protection material shall be recorded and it may be not nearer than 100 mm to thermocouples T2 in accordance with 9.1. For fire from outside inside the furnace the joint in the outer layer of fire protection material shall be located at approximately mid-span. The location of joints in inner layers shall be as specified by the sponsor.
For multi-layer systems, the location of joints on the inner layer shall be specified by the sponsor.
7 Installation of test specimen
7.1 General
The sealing between the supporting construction and the duct or the shaft shall be as intended in practice. lithe width of the gap around the duct or shaft at the furnace penetration point is not specified, a width of 50 mm shall be used.
Where the duct or shaft passes through an opening in the furnace wall or roof, then the opening shall be of sufficient dimensions to allow for the supporting construction to surround all faces of the duct or shaft by at least 200 mm from the duct/shaft or the outer edge of any fire stopping.
The minimum size of a partition wall as supporting construction for a duct shall be width x height 1,20 m x 2,50 m. The partition wall shall be fixed in the furnace opening only on the top and the bottom of the wall, but not on the sides.
Parts of the ducts or shafts within the furnace shall be exposed to fire from all sides over their whole length. Where vertical shafts are not in practice to be fixed to each floor, then the mass of shafts above shall be reproduced in the test. The simulated height and the mass represented during the test shall be stated in the test report.BS EN 1366-5 pdf download.

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