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BS EN 13601 pdf free download

BS EN 13601-2021 pdf free download.Copper and copper alloys – Copper rod, bar and wire for general electrical purposes.
4 Designations
4.1 Material
4.1.1 General
The material is designated either by symbol or by number (see Table 1 and Table 2).
4.1.2 Symbol
The material symbol designation is based on the designation system given in Iso 1190-1.
NOTE Although material symbol designations used in this document might be the same as those in other standards using the designation system given in ISO 1190-1, the detailed composition requirements are not necessarily the same.
4.1.3 Number
The material number designation is in accordance with the system given in EN 1412.
BS EN 13601:2021
EN 13601:202 1 (E)
4.2 Material condition
For the purposes of this document, the following designations, which are in accordance with the system given in EN 1173, apply for the material condition:
D Material condition for the product as cold worked without specified mechanical properties;
H… Material condition designated by the minimum value of hardness requirement for the product with mandatory hardness requirements;
R… Material condition designated by the minimum value of tensile strength requirement for the product with mandatory tensile strength, 0,2 % proof strength and elongation requirements.
Products in the H… condition may be specified to Vickers or Brinell hardness. The material condition
designation H… is the same for both hardness test methods.
Exact conversion between the material conditions designated H… and R… is not possible.
Material condition is designated by only one of the above designations.
4.3 Product
The product designation provides a standardized pattern of designation from which a rapid and unequivocal description of a product can be conveyed in communication. It provides mutual comprehension at the international level with regard to products which meet the requirements of the relevant European Standard.
The product designation is no substitute for the full content of the standard. The product designation for products to this document shall consist of a) denomination (rod, bar or wire);
b) number of this document (EN 13601);
c) material designation, either symbol or number (see Table 1 and Table 2);
d) material condition designation (see Table 3);
e) cross-sectional shape (the following designations shall be used as appropriate: RND for round, SQR
for square, HEX for hexagonal);
0 nominal cross-sectional dimensions:
1) round rod or wire: diameter;
2) square or hexagonal rod or wire: width across-flats;
3) bar or rectangular wire: thickness x width;
g) tolerance class for round, square or hexagonal rod or wire (see Table 5);
h) corner type for square or hexagonal rod, bar or rectangular wire (the following designations shall be used as appropriate: SH for sharp, RD for rounded, CE for semi-circular edges) (see 6.6.2).
The derivation of a product designation is shown in Example I and other typical product designations are shown in Example 2 and Example 3.BS EN 13601 pdf download.

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