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BS EN 13523-20 pdf free download

BS EN 13523-20-2020 pdf free download.Coil coated metals – Test methods Part 20: Foam adhesion.
8 Test panels Preparation and conditioning of test panels shall be in accordance with EN 13523‑0.
9 Procedure
9.1 Preparation Cut the samples of coated metal sheet into pieces of approximately 200 mm × 250 mm. Mix the components of the foam together in a blender, according to the supplier’s specification (for example 20 g polyol and 26 g isocyanate, during 10 s). Pour a small quantity of the mixture over the surface to be tested. As the mixture reacts immediately, the application of the mixture shall be done within 20 s after mixing, unless otherwise specified by the supplier. After the application, leave the samples under ambient conditions, for 30 min to 40 min or as otherwise specified, before testing as described below.
9.2 Adhesion testing 9.2.1 Dry adhesion Pull off the polymerised foam (by hand) from one sample. If at the coating/foam interface none of the original coating surface is revealed, a second sample shall be held at room temperature for 24 h. Pull off the polymerised foam (by hand) from this sample. Lightly scrape the remaining foam layer with typically a blunt knife or finger nail. If this scraping cannot reveal the original coating, dry adhesion is reported as “pass”. 9.2.2 Wet adhesion Put a sample prepared as described in 9.1 in boiling water for 1 h. After removal of excess water, pull off the foam (by hand). If at the coating/foam interface none of the original coating surface is revealed after the boiling test, put a second sample as described in 9.1 in the humidity cabinet (100 % relative humidity at 40 °C) for 24 h. After removal of excess water, pull off the foam (by hand). If at the coating/foam interface none of the original coating surface is revealed, wet adhesion is reported as “pass”. 9.2.3 Testing non‑adhesion in domestic appliance products Pull off the polymerised foam (by hand) from one sample. If at the coating/foam interface a foam layer is revealed, try to scrape lightly the remaining foam layer with typically a blunt knife or finger nail. If this scraping removes the foam from the coating completely, non-adhesion is reported as a “pass” with 0 % foam adhesion. 10 Expression of results The results of foam adhesion shall be expressed either as “pass” if dry and wet adhesion tests are passed or as “fail” indicating at which step the adhesion test failed.
“Pass” and “fail” criteria shall be agreed by the interested parties. The results for non‑adhesion shall be expressed in estimated percentage of remaining foam coverage.
11 Precision
No precision data are currently available.
12 Test report
The test report shall contain at least the following information:
a) all details necessary to identify the product tested;
b) a reference to this document (EN 13523-20);
c) the specification of the foam components;
d) the result of the test, as indicated in Clause 10;
e) any deviation from the test method specified;
f) any unusual features (anomalies) observed during the test;
g) the date of the test.BS EN 13523 pdf download.

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