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BS EN-13200-1 pdf free download

BS EN-13200-1-2019 pdf free download.Spectator facilities Part 1: General characteristics for spectator viewing area.
4 Materials and technical installations
4.1 General The materials and technical installations shall be made in accordance with the law in force in each country and shall take into account the applicable European Standards.
4.2 Structures, finishes and furniture Fire resistance requirements of structural elements should be assessed in accordance with the requirements and test procedures established by the regulations in force in each country, regardless of the type of material structural elements are made of (e.g. concrete, clay, steel, solid wood, laminated timber, composite members). The size, thickness and protections of the above-mentioned types of materials and the classification of the premises according to fire load should be determined in accordance with the tables and methods specified by the regulations in force in each country. The applicable European standards shall also be taken into account. Passages, stairs and steps of outdoor facilities shall be free from stagnation in case of rain and provide appropriate slip resistance. NOTE The pavements of outdoor sports facilities do not require classification for the purposes of reaction to fire. Chairs and other upholstered furniture shall belong to reaction to fire class 1 IM, whereas seats that are neither upholstered nor coated, and that are made of rigid combustible materials, shall belong to a reaction to fire class not higher than 2. In indoor facilities where the viewing area is extended to the activity area, reaction to fire classification of pavements is needed. If the pavements are made of combustible materials, they shall clearly be counted within fire load for the assessment of the fire resistance requirements of structural elements of sports facilities. If devices are provided for actual improvement of overall safety conditions of indoor facilities and of indoor premises in outdoor facilities, such as effective gas evacuation systems installed with automatic fire detection systems and/or automatic sprinkler systems, the use of materials that belong to higher reaction to fire classes may be permitted.
4.3 Electrical installations
For the purposes of fire prevention, electrical installations:
— shall not be a cause of fire or explosion;
— shall neither keep the fire alight nor be a propagate way of spreading fire. The fire behaviour of
structural members shall be compatible with the specific intended use of each of the premises;
— shall be divided so that possible failures do not bring the entire system out of order;
— shall have switching devices located in “protected” positions and shall be provided with clear
indications of the relevant circuits.
The following safety equipment shall be provided:
— lighting installation;
— alarm system;
— detection system;
— fire-extinguishing systems.
Safety electrical power supply shall be automatic with short interruption (< 0,5 sec) for signalling systems, alarm systems and lighting installations and with average interruption (< 15 sec) for water firefighting systems.
Battery chargers shall be automatic and shall be capable of being fully charged within 12 h.
The safety electrical power supply endurance shall allow safe conduct of rescue and turning off operations for the necessary time. The minimum endurance is established for each plant as follows:
— indication and alarm system: 30 min;
— emergency lighting: 60 min;
— water firefighting systems: 60 min.
Indoor facilities, outdoor facilities intended for night use and indoor premises of outdoor sport facilities shall be equipped with emergency lighting.BS EN-13200-1 pdf download.

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