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BS EN 12697-40 pdf free download

BS EN 12697-40-2020 pdf free download.Bituminous mixtures – Test methods – Part 40: In situ drainability.
6.3 Measurement at each location
6.3.1 Place the permeameter over the surfacing at the point where the relative hydraulic conductivity is to be measured. Apply a vertical load uniformly on the base such that all four of the rubber feet on the standing board are in contact with the surface to be measured.
A load of between 1 kN and 2 kN should achieve this contact.
The load can be applied either mechanically or by two operatives of approximately the same mass standing on opposite sides of the standing board. If two operatives are used, the heavier operative should not weigh more than 50 % more than the lighter operative.
6.3.2 Fill the standpipe completely with clean water.
6.3.3 Remove the plunger and hang it by its rest on the top of the standpipe. Allow air bubbles to rise up through the water in the standpipe until they no longer rise through the water, which is dissipating into the road surface.
6.3.4 If air bubbles are still rising through the water in the standpipe when the meniscus nears the 5 1 mark, replace the plunger and refill the standpipe to at least 50 mm above the 5 1 mark. Without delay, remove the plunger and hang by its rest on the top of the standpipe.
6.3.5 Repeat 6.3.4 until no bubbles are rising through the water in the standpipe when the meniscus nears the 5 1 mark
The pores of the surface should be saturated by water for the test to give the required result, which can
be achieved by emptying the permeameter of water before refilling and starting the actual test.
However, this procedure should not normally be needed if the permeameter is filled to well above the
5 1 mark.
6.3.6 Start the stopwatch when the meniscus falls to the 5 1 mark Stop the stopwatch when the water level falls to the 1 1 mark. Record the outflow time, t1,1 to the nearest 0,1 s.
6.3.7 Repeat 6.3.2 to 6.3.6 in order to obtain t12.
6.3.8 Calculate the average outflow time as (t11+ ft2)/2 and the range as t11 — t121 for the location, both to the nearest 0,1 s. If the range exceeds 5 % of the average outflow time, repeat 6.3.2 to 6.3.6 until the range criterion is met by two successive outflow times and discard outliers. Record the average outflow time for location i, t1, to the nearest 0,1 s.
NOTE Locations where there is a transition gradient might produce results that are inferior to results obtained from the material under other circumstances.
7 Calculation
7.1 Calculate the average outflow time for the test, t, as the mean of the 10 values of t for locations
1=1 to 10.
7.2 Calculate the relative hydraulic conductivity (HC) for the area using Formula (1):
t is the average outflow time expressed in seconds, (s);
r is the series resistance outflow time expressed in seconds, (s).
7.3 Report the relative hydraulic conductivity, to the nearest 0,00 1 s-1.
8 Report
With reference to this document, the test report shall include the following information:
a) identification of the site, ambient temperature and location of the test measurements within the site;
b) whether there was any slope away from the location of each test measurement;
c) identification of the laboratory carrying out the tests;
d) identification of the permeameter used and its series resistance time and parallel leakage time;
e) method of loading the standing board and the load applied (with the masses of both operatives separately when that method is used);
f) outflow times of each individual measurement;
g) whether any determinations had to be repeated;
h) relative hydraulic conductivity for the area;
1) date and time of the test;
j) name of the person taking technical responsibility for the test.
9 Precision
Data have not yet been compiled that are suitable for use in developing precision statements for this
method of determining the in situ drainability of a permeable road surfacing.BS EN 12697-40 pdf download.

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