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BS EN 12350-4 pdf free download

BS EN 12350-4-2019 pdf free download.Testing fresh concrete Part 4: Degree of compactability.
This document specifies a method for determining the consistence of fresh concrete by determining the degree of compactability.
The test is suitable for specimens having a declared value of D of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (D max ) not greater than 63 mm.
If the degree of compactability is less than 1,04 or more than 1,46, the concrete has a consistence for which the degree of compactability test is not suitable.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 12350-1, Testing fresh concrete — Part 1: Sampling and common apparatus
3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp
4 Principle
Carefully place the fresh concrete in a compaction container using a trowel, avoiding any compaction of the concrete. When the compaction container is full, the top surface is struck off level with the top of the compaction container. The concrete is compacted by vibration and the distance from the surface of the compacted concrete to the upper edge of the compaction container is used to determine the degree of compactability.
5 Apparatus
5.1 Common apparatus for fresh concrete testing
The apparatus listed below for the execution of this test method shall be in accordance with the specification given EN 12350-1 and as specified below;
5.1.1 Compaction container, made of metal not readily attacked by cement paste. The internal dimensions of the compaction container shall be:
— base: (200 ± 2) mm × (200 ± 2) mm;
— height: (400 ± 2) mm.
The thickness of the base and walls shall be at least 1,5 mm.
The bottom of the compaction container may be perforated to facilitate emptying. A suitable plastic plate to cover the bottom has then to be placed inside the compaction container.
5.1.2 Trowel, with a flat blade (see Figure 1).
5.1.3 Means of compacting the concrete, which shall be one of the following:
— internal vibrator;
— vibrating table.
The use of a vibrating table shall be the reference method.
5.1.4 Remixing container or tray.
5.1.5 Shovel.
5.1.6 Straight edged scraper, more than 200 mm in length.
5.1.7 Rule.
5.1.8 Moist cloth.
6 Sampling
The sample shall be obtained in accordance with EN 12350-1.
The sample shall be re-mixed using the remixing container or tray and the shovel or scoop before carrying out the test.
Alternative sampling procedures may be given in provisions valid in the place of use of the concrete.
7 Procedure Clean the compaction container and moisten the inner surfaces using a moist cloth. Fill the compaction container, without tamping it, by tilting the trowel sideways from each of all four upper edges of the compaction container in turn. When the compaction container is filled, remove all concrete above the upper edges, using the straight edged scraper with a sawing action, in such a way as to avoid any compacting effect. Compact the concrete by means of a vibrating table or by the use of an internal vibrator, until no further reduction in volume is determinable. During compaction avoid loss of concrete through splashing, or leakage. Great care is recommended if loss of entrained air is to be avoided when using an internal vibrator. After compaction, determine the value of h, the internal height of the compaction container, in millimetres and s (see Figure 2), the mean value, to the nearest millimetre, of the four distances from the surface of the compacted concrete to the upper edges of the compaction container at the middle of each side. The consistence of a concrete mix changes with time, due to hydration of the cement and, possibly, loss of moisture. Tests on different samples should, therefore, be carried out at the same time interval after mixing, if comparable results are to be obtained.BS EN 12350-4 pdf download.

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