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BS EN 12002 pdf free download

BS EN 12002-2002 pdf free download.Adhesives for tiles — Determination of transverse deformation for cementitious adhesives and grouts.
9 Procedure 9.1 Preparation of substrate Fix the polyethylene film (6.1 ) firmly to the rigid support (6.3), ensuring the surface, to which the adhesive is to be applied, is not distorted, e.g. without pleats or wrinkles. 9.2 Preparation of test units Hold the template A firmly onto the polyethylene film. Trowel sufficient adhesive across the template and then screed clean so as to neatly and completely fill the hole in the template. Clamp the mould firmly to the flow table and compact the sample using 70 jolts. Lift the mould gently from the flow table and carefully remove the template vertically. Apply a layer of release agent to the template B and position it centrally over the specimen. Load the template with a weight capable of exerting a force of (1 00 ± 0,1 ) N and an approximate cross-sectional area of (290 × 45) mm. The applied pressure ensures that the material fully fills the recess of the template to the required thickness. Remove any excess material from the sides of the template and one hour later remove the weight. After 48 h remove the template B. Prepare six samples for each test. Condition the units according to the test requirements. 9.3 Conditioning Immediately after the removal of template B place six specimens, on the support, horizontally into the plastic container and make it air tight. Condition the test units at (23 ± 2) °C. After 1 2 days remove them from the plastic container and condition them for 1 4 days in air in standard conditions. 9.4 Transverse deformation After conditioning has been completed, remove the specimens from the polyethylene film and measure their thickness, using a caliper with 0,01 mm precision, at three positions, i.e. in the middle and (50 ± 1 ) mm from each end. If the three values fall within the required tolerance of (3,0 ± 0,1 ) mm calculate the average value; discard any specimen which falls outside the required permissible thickness. If less than three specimens are acceptable repeat the test. The sample shall be flat when resting on a flat surface. Place the test specimen on the test jig (7.2). If the test specimen is deformed, measure the deformation, then deform it with a transverse load applied by the anvil (see Figure 2) at a rate of 2 mm/min until failure occurs. Record the deformation from the horizontal plane, in mm. When no cracking occurs, report the maximum force and deformation. Repeat the test on the other test pieces. 10 Expression of results The transverse deformation is determined to 0,1 mm, by calculating the average value of the deformations obtained in the test. The cementitious adhesives are defined in two classes according to the measured transverse deformation value.
The classes are designated with the following abbreviations:
S1 deformable adhesives with a transverse deformation ≥ 2,5 mm and < 5 mm;
S2 highly deformable adhesives with a transverse deformation ≥ 5 mm.
11 Test report
The test report shall provide the following information:
a) the name, number and issue of this European Standard;
b) the place, date and time of sampling;
c) type of adhesive or grout, commercial designation and manufacturer;
d) identification of test sample;
e) handling and storage of samples before testing;
f) test conditions;
g) date of test;
h) amount of water or liquid used for preparing the adhesive or grout;
i) thickness of the test samples;
j) test results: individual and mean values for deformation (mm);
k) any other factor that could have affected the result.BS EN 12002 pdf download.

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