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BS EN 10025-3 pdf free download

BS EN 10025-3-2019 pdf free download.Hot rolled products of structural steels Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for normalized/ normalized rolled weldable fine grain structural steels.
5 Information to be supplied by the purchaser
5.1 Mandatory information
The following information shall be supplied by the purchaser at the time of the order:
a) quantity to be delivered;
b) product form and the number of the standard for dimensions and tolerances (see 2.2);
c) nominal dimensions and tolerances on dimensions and shape (see 7.7.1);
d) steel designation (see 4.2.2);
e) additional requirements of inspection and testing and all required options (see 5.2 and Clause 13);
f) type of inspection document according to EN 10204 (see 8.1).
5.2 Options
A number of options are specified in Clause 13. In the event that the purchaser does not indicate his
wish to implement any of these options, the supplier shall supply in accordance with the basic
specification, see 5.1 a) to d) and f).
6 Manufacturing process
6.1 Steel making process
The steel making process is at the discretion of the manufacturer with the exclusion of the open hearth (Siemens-Martin) process.
See Option 1, Clause 13 (details of manufacturing process).
6.2 Deoxidation and grain structure
Steels of EN 10025-3 shall
— be fully killed;
— have a fine grain structure;
— contain nitrogen binding elements in amounts sufficient to bind the available nitrogen (for examplemin. 0,020 % total aluminium). The usual guideline is a minimum aluminium to nitrogen ratio of 2:1, when no other nitrogen binding elements are present. Such other elements and their content (% mass) shall be reported in the inspection document (see Table 1).
6.3 Delivery conditions
The products shall be supplied normalized or in an equivalent condition obtained by normalizing rolling as defined in Clause 3.
For steels with a minimum yield strength ≥ 420 MPa, delayed cooling or additional tempering may be carried out after normalizing or normalizing rolling. If such a treatment is performed, this shall be noted in the inspection document.
7 Requirements
7.1 General
The requirements of 7.2 and 7.3 apply for sampling, preparation of test pieces and testing specified in Clauses 9 and 10.
7.2 Chemical composition
7.2.1 The chemical composition determined by heat analysis shall comply with the specified values of Table 1.
For elements not defined in the table for the chemical composition for heat analysis, limit values of Table 1 of EN 10020:2000 shall apply as maximum values.
7.2.2 The limits applicable for the product analysis are given in Table 2. The product analysis shall be carried out when specified at the time of the order. See Option 2, Clause 13 (product analysis).
For elements not defined in the table for the chemical composition for product analysis, limit values of
Table 1 of EN 10020:2000 shall apply as maximum values.
7.2.3 The maximum carbon equivalent values based on the heat analysis, given in Table 3 shall apply.
7.2.4 When products are supplied with a control on Si e.g. for hot-dip zinc-coating so that there could be a need to increase the content of other elements like C and Mn to achieve the required tensile properties, the maximum carbon equivalent values of Table 3 shall be increased as follows: — for Si ≤ 0,04 %, increase the value of the CEV by 0,02; — for Si ≤ 0,25 %, increase the value of the CEV by 0,01. 7.3 Mechanical properties 7.3.1 General Under the inspection and testing conditions, as specified in Clauses 8, 9 and 10, and in the delivery condition, as specified in 6.3, as well as after normalizing heat treatment after delivery (including delayed cooling or tempering if needed for steels with a minimum yield strength ≥ 420 MPa) the mechanical properties shall comply with the values given in Tables 4 to 6. Stress relieving at more than 580 °C or for over 1 h can lead to a deterioration of the mechanical properties of the steel grades. For flat products the maximum stress relief temperature should be 560 °C. If the purchaser intends to stress relief the products at higher temperatures or for longer times than mentioned above the minimum values of the mechanical properties after such a treatment should be agreed upon at the time of the order. For flat and bar products ordered and supplied in the normalized or normalized rolled condition the mechanical properties shall comply with the relevant tables for mechanical properties in the normalized or normalized rolled condition or after normalizing by heat treatment after delivery or after hot forming if the provisions of CEN/TR 10347 are satisfied.BS EN 10025-3 pdf download.

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