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BS 8409 pdf free download

BS 8409-2002 pdf free download.Soft indoor play areas — Code of practice.
5.1.2 Doors Doorways should be provided with vision panels and door closers where appropriate. Doorways should not open into traffic areas or into areas of the play space where they could present a hazard. Measures should be taken to avoid finger and foot entrapment on doors. NOTE For example, a special fitting is available to mask the hinged side of doors within the indoor play facility. Handles should be chamfered or rounded and, where children need to use a door, should be fixed to a height of 610 mm.
5.1.3 Ventilation and lighting The indoor play facility should have ventilation designed in accordance with BS 5720, BS 5925 or PD CR 1752 as appropriate. NOTE Further guidance on interior ventilation can be obtained in the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers’ Guide A: Environmental design [2] and Guide B: Installation and equipment data [3]. The indoor play facility should have adequate lighting in accordance with BS 8206-1 and BS 8206-2. NOTE Further guidance on lighting can be obtained in the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers’ Code for interior lighting [4].
5.1.4 Storage space Suitable and sufficient storage should be provided for shoes and outdoor clothing outside the playing area.
5.1.5 Playing and other areas Playing areas should be clearly identified and kept separate from refreshment, adult seating and other social areas.
5.1.6 Emergency access Emergency doorways should be audio alarmed for supervision purposes and should lead to a safe area. The choice of floor surface to and around emergency exits should take into account that children may not have time to put on shoes and will therefore only have socks on their feet.
5.1.7 Vision panels If glass is used for vision panels in the vicinity of the indoor play area it should be safety glass as specified in BS 6206. If other materials are used for vision panels they should be inherently robust, e.g. transparent polycarbonates.
5.1.8 Toilet and baby changing facilities Proper toilet and baby changing facilities are essential. These should be housed within the facility or close at hand. Soap and means of hand drying should be provided within the facility, in accordance with BS 6465-1. NOTE Attention is drawn to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 [5], which specifies provisions for the temperature of water at wash hand basins.
5.1.9 Security aspects Security aspects of design should be considered. NOTE Doors with alarms, closed-circuit television and tagging systems may be used to enhance child security.
5.1.10 Children with special needs There are many different types of special needs that can affect the way in which children use an indoor play facility and how it is managed, e.g. they might have specific safety needs. Before allowing use of a general purpose indoor play facility, therefore, managers should carry out a risk assessment and undertake appropriate measures. This can mean temporary or permanent alteration to the design, staffing and management. NOTE 1 Attention is drawn to the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) [6]. NOTE 2 For health and safety reasons, access to and use of the facilities might have to be limited. Further guidance on the design of buildings to meet the needs of disabled people can be found in BS 8300, BS 5588-8 and PD 6523. NOTE 3 Kidsactive, who specialize in play opportunities for disabled children, are a useful source of advice (see Annex A).pdf download.

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