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BS 8406 pdf free download

BS 8406-2020 pdf free download.Event stewarding – Code of practice.
5 Staffing and resourcing
5.1 Selection
The organization should implement a risk-based selection process which includes an interview. Individuals should be assessed for their:
a) ability to carry out the services required;
b) aptitude and demeanour;
c) communication skills; and
d) relevant experience and qualifications.
5.2 Screening
Personal documentation, including right to work checks (selected from originals of birth certificate, driving licence, passport, service records, utility bills), should be examined to establish authenticity and confirm identity and permanent address.
The organization should inform individuals undergoing pre-employment enquiries that any documents presented to establish identity and proof of residence might be checked to detect and deter identity theft and fraud.
The organization should also inform the individual that any identity documents that appear to be forgeries will be reported to the relevant authority.
NOTE 1 It is widely accepted that events stewarding is a wide-ranging discipline and can encompass types of events that can range from relatively small community-based events to highly complex events that command attention from a global audience.
The organization should decide the level(s) of screening to be applied to the individual for the event.
NOTE 2 In accordance with BS 10800:2020. 7.1, organizations can apply a derogation from the requirements of BS 7858 and use a tiered approach to screening.
NOTE 3 For further information regarding right to work, see wwwov.uk/check-job-applicant-right-to-work and wwwgov. U kjgovernment/publications/accepta ble-righ t-to- work-documents-an-employers-guide.
The selected screening level chosen should be risk-based and proportionate to the determined risk(s) and should aim, as far as practicable, to mitigate that risk. The level of risk in the intended employment should be evaluated and documented to confirm it is in accordance with the required screening level.
The organization should decide which level of screening is required in accordance with a) to d).
a) Level 1: Verification of identity and address, along with a personal recommendation from an individual known to the organization, or other equally trusted source. The organization should be able to demonstrate why the recommender’s opinion can be relied on. The organization should document its evaluation of the recommender’s suitability and integrity. This should be completed before the individual’s deployment.
NOTE 4 A trusted source could be an individual or organization of good standing in the local community, i.e. local faith leader, or community group.
b) Level 2: Verification of identity and address, and screening in accordance with BS 7858 commencing once the individual has completed one month’s service with the organization.
NOTE 5 This is normally from the end of the first completed shift.
c) Level 3: Screening in accordance with BS 7858. including conditional employment.
d) Level 4: Screening in accordance with BS 7858 completed before the individual commences employment.
For Level 2 to Level 4, where the individual is employed in a position that does not require a security licence, the organization should obtain a police disclosure of convictions record check, for those working under the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) security systems policy, or disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) or Disclosure Scotland.
The organization, when screening in accordance with BS 7858. should not make an offer of conditional employment unless:
1) the level of risk in the intended employment has been evaluated and is deemed to be acceptable, and has been documented; and
2) preliminary checks have been completed satisfactorily.
Conditional employment should end if full screening is not completed satisfactorily within the time period allowed.
The organization should make it clear to clients and other stakeholders the level of screening that is applied to stewards.
Records on employment checks should be maintained in accordance with BS 7858.
NOTE 6 Attention is drawn to the relevant data protection legislation.BS 8406 pdf download.

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