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BS 8403 pdf free download

BS 8403-2002 pdf free download.Specification for aquatic spineboards for recovering casualties in controlled aquatic conditions.
4.2 Dimensions
The dimensions of the aquatic spineboard shall conform to BS EN 1865:2000, 4.7.1.
4.3 Mass
The mass of the aquatic spineboard shall be not more than 10 kg.
4.4 Loading capacity, dimensional stability and buoyancy characteristics
4.4.1 After conditioning in accordance with Annex A, the board shall be tested in accordance with Annex B. With the load in place, the deflection of each side of the board shall not exceed 25 mm. After unloading, the board shall show no visible signs of permanent deformation, cracking or fractures.
4.4.2 After conditioning in accordance with Annex A, when the board is tested in accordance with BS EN 1865:2000, 5.1.3, the deflection of the centre of the board shall be not greater than 50 mm.
After unloading, the board shall show no signs of residual deformation or visible damage e.g. cracking.
4.4.3 After conditioning in accordance with Annex A, when the board is placed in the container of chlorinated salt water specified in Annex A and loaded in accordance with Annex B, it shall remain afloat.
4.5 Construction of the board
4.5.1 The board shall be equipped with a minimum of three handholds on each longitudinal side and with a minimum of two handholds at each of the foot and the head ends of the board. Handholds shall be a minimum of 120 mm in length and shall have a grip diameter not greater than 40 mm.
4.5.2 The board shall be constructed in such a way that, when it is placed on a flat, level floor, the base of the handholds along both sides, and at the head end and the foot end is not less than 25 mm from the ground, to allow for easy gripping when lifting from the ground.
4.5.3 The board shall be equipped with fixing points for the casualty restraint system which allow the restraints to be moved to accommodate casualties between 1.25 m and 2 m in height. The fixing points shall be positioned such that they do not interfere with the handling of the board when it is being lifted, or transported in an ambulance.
4.5.4 The lying part of the board shall be self-draining to prevent pooling of water.
NOTE The surface of the lying part of the board should be of a material that minimizes the potential for the casualty to develop pressure sores.
4.6 Construction of the casualty restraint system
4.6.1 Body restraints
The body restraints shall comprise a minimum of five straps or pairs of straps, 50 mm wide, of non-stretch construction. The body restraints shall be adjustable and shall be fitted with quick release buckles or fixings. The straps, or the buckles or fixings, shall be colour coded to indicate their correct positioning.
4.6.2 Head restraint
The head restraint shall be adjustable and shall be permanently secured to the board to prevent it floating away during application.
4.7 Materials
The aquatic spineboard, including the casualty restraint system, shall be made from materials which have been shown to have the following characteristics:
— resistance to bacterial and fungal growth;
— resistance to the absorption of fluids;
— resistance to disinfectants;
— resistance to petrol and oil;
— radiotranslucence;
NOTE It is essential that attenuation of all diagnostic radiation beams be kept to an absolute minimum.
— does not affect, and is not affected by, the magnetic field of magnetic resonance (MR) scanners.BS 8403 pdf download.

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