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BS 8243 pdf free download

BS 8243-2021 pdf free download.Design, installation and configuration of intruder and hold-up alarm systems designed to generate confirmed alarm conditions – Code of practice.
4.4 Informing the ARC of changes in police response
As soon as the alarm company becomes aware of any l&IIAS having been taken off or put back on police response, the alarm company should inform the ARC.
5 Design, installation and configuration of I&HAS incorporating alarm confirmation technology
5.1 General
5.1.1 Design process
The design and configuration of I&HAS incorporating alarm confirmation technology should take into account the needs and expectations of the client and the required response to alarms. The design process should incorporate the entire supervised premises.
NOTE I It Is a matter of system de4jn, in meeting (he needs and expectations of the client, as to whether alarm confirmation technology is applied to evety room or area within the supervised premises, or only to certain rooms or areas.
Detectors installed outside the supervised premises should not contribute to the generation of audibly, visually or sequentially confirmed alarms.
The need for the use of extended format reporting should be determined.
NOTE 2 Extended format reporting can be helpful in providing additional information about intrusion, including:
a) the locations of detectors that have activated;
b) multiple activations of detectors; and/or
c) identification of pen meter detectors that have activated.
The system design proposal and as-fitted document should clearly state the scope, extent and coverage of the confirmation facility including those areas within the supervised premises that are within the expected range and proximity of ALD, AMD or the field of view of imaging devices (see Annex I)).
The system design proposal and the as-fitted document should identilS’ the specified parts of the supervised premises that have confirmation facility.
5.1.2 Control indicating equipment (CIE) and notification equipment
The CIE and notification equipment should be located and supervised such as to minimize the risk of vandalism or sabotage.
NOTE It Is preerabie for the CIE and signalling and network equipment to be located in an area desiqned to generate a confirmed activation.
5.1.3 Design recommendations for HAS using confirmed technology
The HAS should be installed such as to minimize the risk of accidental operation and false activation.
a) HDs on CIE or ACE should not he enabled unless there is a low risk of accidental operation.
b) Single action “single push devices should not be used.
c) Portable llVs wireiess devicesj snouto be deatcatea oevices, should not incorporate any other functionality and should have two separate buttons with synchronized push to activate.
d) Duress codes should be used only where the risk makes it necessary and as permitted by the relevant response authority
e) Duress facility should be engineer programmed only (default “off ).
5.2 Design and configuration of sequential confirmation l&HAS
5.2.1 Criteria for sequentially confirmed lAS
For an alarm condition to be regarded as sequentially conuirmd.
a) the lAS should be configured so that at least two separate alarm conditions are reported, each originating from an independent detector within the confirmation time; and
b) the two detectors should be of either:
1) different technologies which are permitted to have overlapping areas of coverage (see 5.2.3); or
2) the same single technology and not have overlapping areas of coverage.
To be regarded as independent, each detector should be configured to report alarm conditions separately to the CIE. In addition, the input signal of one detector should not influence the output of another detector.
The intruder confirmation time should be not less than 30 mm and not more than 60 mm. NOTE Annex F provides operational guidance for an l&IIAS equipped with sequential confirmation technology.
5.2.2 Criteria for sequentially confirmed HAS
For an alarm condition to be regarded as sequentially confirmed:
a) the HAS should be configured so that at least two separate alarm conditions are reported within the confirmation time; and
b) signals emanating from HDs should be from either;
1) two or more liDs that are separately identifiable at the CIE; or
2) a multi-action HD.
The hold-up confirmation time should be not less than 8 h and not more than 20 Fi. NOTE Recommendations for HDs can be found in PD 6662:2017, Annex A.
5.2.3 Configurations of movement detectors with overlapping areas of coverage
Two detectors of different technologies having overlapping areas ol coverage are able to cause a sequentially confirmed alarm; however, when the two detectors are movement detectors, at least one should he a dual technology movement detector.
NOTE Two independent dual technology movement detectors incorporating the same two technologies may be regarded as detectors of different technologies.
Individual movement detectors should be located to minimize the possibility of false alarms. Movement detectors should be located some distance apart, generally with a minimum distance between detector housings of 2.5 in.
5.2.4 Configurations of movement detectors with no overlapping area of coverage
Where there is no overlapping area of coverage, movement detectors should be located such as to minimize the possibility of sequentially confirmed alarms being false alarms.BS 8243 pdf download.

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