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BS 7981 pdf free download

BS 7981-2002 pdf free download.Code of practice for the installation, maintenance, thorough examination and safe use of mast climbing work platforms (MCWPs).
4 Hazards associated with MCWP working
4.1 General Clause 4 is intended to assist those persons undertaking risk assessments of the installation planning, erection, dismantling and use of MCWPs.
4.2 Erection and dismantling The following is a typical, but not exhaustive, list of hazards that should be taken into account when erecting or dismantling MCWPs: a) the consequences of manually handling heavy items; b) the consequences of failing to bolt up the mast sections correctly; c) the danger to ears, nose, throat and eyes from the ingress of material during the drilling of mast tie anchorages; d) the consequences of failing to secure the mast ties correctly; e) being on the work platform of an MCWP should it fall over due to the mast or the mast ties failing; f) trapping of persons in the work platform mechanism; g) the consequences of being on the work platform when the last ties are released during dismantling, if there is insufficient stability provided by the base frame or chassis alone.
4.3 Use The following is a typical, but not exhaustive, list of hazards that should be taken into account when using MCWPs: a) falling from the work platform; b) being struck by tools, materials, etc. falling from, or on to, the work platform; c) being underneath an MCWP and being struck or trapped during descent of the work platform; d) trapping of persons between the work platform and fixed obstructions such as the building or scaffolding; e) being on the work platform of a free-standing MCWP should it overturn due to lack of basic stability; f) being stranded on the raised platform, e.g. due to power or control circuit failure; g) being on the work platform if it descends out of control and hits the ground at overspeed; h) contact with live electrical conductors; i) the consequences of failing to properly inspect MCWPs in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions; j) the possibility of overturn during transfer of mobile MCWPs.
5 Specification, installation planning, erection and dismantling of MCWPs
5.1 General One person, the supplier-appointed person (see 3.17), should be appointed to act on behalf of the supplier to have overall control of the specification, installation planning, erection and dismantling of MCWPs. This appointment does not remove any legal responsibility from the management but enables them to use his expertise to fulfil their responsibilities. The person appointed may have other duties and need not be an employee of the supplier organization but he should have adequate training and experience to enable these duties to be carried out competently.
5.2 Responsibilities of supplier-appointed person
The supplier-appointed person should establish and follow a safe system of work for every installation of a mast climbing work platform, whether it is an individual machine or a group of machines. The same principles should be applied to both fixed and mobile MCWPs.
The safe system of work should include the following:
a) risk assessments;
b) planning the installation and providing a suitable MCWP;
c) planning the erection and dismantling of each MCWP;
d) provision of instructions for the operation and maintenance procedures for MCWPs;
e) preparation of a method statement including the requirements for:
1) any necessary preparation of the site;
2) erection;
3) thorough examination and, where necessary, testing;
4) provision of the parameters and instructions for operation;
5) dismantling;BS 7981 pdf download.

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