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BS 6498 pdf free download

BS 6498-2002 pdf free download.Guide to preparation of microfilm and other microforms that may be required as evidence.
4 Establishing a microform programme 4.1 General A microform programme should incorporate all feasible safeguards to establish that a microform made in accordance with the programme is a true copy of the original document and may be admissible in its place. Written evidence that the programme has been systematically planned and authorized, and that someone in the organization has been appointed to administer it, may be important in establishing the validity of a microform. It will help to show that the microform has been made as part of normal office routine and has not been specially prepared for court proceedings. If the recommendations in this standard are followed, it should be possible to establish that the microform programme has been systematically planned and operated. The advice of lawyers, auditors, records managers and archivists should be sought when the implementation of a microform programme is proposed. NOTE A summary of the legal position regarding microforms is given in Annex A.
4.2 Authorizing document The document that records the policy decision made by or on behalf of an organization to establish a microform programme should be retained permanently.
4.3 Delegation of authority Written authority within the terms of the authorizing document (see 4.2) should be issued, nominating the members of staff responsible for implementing and operating the programme, signing documents relating to it, and ensuring that standards are maintained, whether the microforms are prepared within the organization or by a bureau. 4.4 Plan A document that sets out the organization’s plan for a microform programme should be prepared. The document should give details of the following: a) the categories of the original document to be microfilmed; b) the stage at which the original document should be microfilmed; c) the procedure for microfilming, including certification, checking and information retrieval methods; d) provision for a register to be maintained; e) the periods of retention of original documents and microforms; f) provision for the destruction of original documents and for recording their destruction; g) provision for review of the microform programme. The plan should be approved in writing by the person appointed to administer the programme (see 4.1) or authorized member of the organization before the microform programme is put into operation.
4.5 Date of introduction of programme When the plan has been approved, the organization should authorize, in writing, the introduction of a microform programme as part of the organization’s customary activity from a specified date.
4.6 Manual
A manual should be prepared, giving detailed instructions to the staff concerned in the various stages of the microform programme. The manual should give information about the following:
a) the apparatus and microforms to be used;
b) quality control;
c) indexing;
d) correction of errors, including rules for splicing;
e) routine monitoring of the procedures;
f) production of full-size prints from microforms, if required.
4.7 Bureaux
If a bureau undertakes filming and subsequent operations, the organization should satisfy itself that the bureau’s procedures are adequate.BS 6498 pdf download.

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