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BS 146 pdf free download

BS 146-2002 pdf free download.Specification for blastfurnace cements with strength properties outside the scope of BS EN 197-1.
This British Standard specifies requirements for two types of blastfurnace cement, BIIIA and BIIIB, which are outside the scope of BS EN 197-1:2000. The requirements for the composition, strength and physical and chemical properties are specified as characteristic values. Requirements for manufacture, marking and provision of information are also specified.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this British Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.
BS EN 196-1, Methods of testing cement — Part 1: Determination of strength.
BS EN 196-2:1995, Methods of testing cement — Part 2: Chemical analysis of cement.
BS EN 196-3, Methods of testing cement — Part 3: Determination of setting time and soundness.
BS EN 196-21:1992, Methods of testing cement — Part 21: Determination of the chloride, carbon dioxide and alkali content of cement.
BS EN 197-1:2000, Cement — Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this British Standard, the terms and definitions given in BS EN 197-1:2000 and the following apply.
3.1 standard strength
compressive strength of a blastfurnace cement at 28 days
3.2 early strength
compressive strength of a blastfurnace cement at either 2 or 7 days
4 Cement
Blastfurnace cements shall conform to the general requirements of BS EN 197-1:2000, clause 4.
5 Constituents
The constituents of the blastfurnace cements shall be as defined in BS EN 197-1:2000, clause 5.
6 Composition, notation and manufacture
6.1 Composition
The compositions of the blastfurnace cements shall be in accordance with Table 1, where the requirements for composition shall refer to the sum of all main and minor constituents.
NOTE The final cement composition would comprise the main and minor additional constituents plus calcium sulfate as necessary and any additives (see clause 5).
6.2 Notation and strength class
Blastfurnace cements shall be identified by at least the notation, i.e. BIIIA or BIIIB, followed by a figure indicating the standard strength class and a letter indicating the subclass of early strength (see note to Table 2).
6.3 Manufacture
The materials shall be thoroughly and intimately mixed together in a dry state to form a uniform mixture.
7 Compressive strength
When determined in accordance with BS EN 196-1, the compressive strength shall conform to Table 2.
8 Physical properties
8.1 Initial setting time
The initial setting time shall be not less than 60 min when tested in accordance with BS EN 196-3.
8.2 Soundness
The expansion shall be not more than 10 mm when tested in accordance with BS EN 196-3.
9 Chemical properties
The chemical properties shall conform to Table 3 when tested in accordance with the relevant tests specified in Table 3.
10 Conformity criteria Conformity of the blastfurnace cements shall be continually evaluated on the basis of the testing of spot samples and shall be in accordance with BS EN 197-1:2000, clause 9, and in particular, the requirements for CEM III cements, except that the limit values for single results shall be those in Table 4 of this standard, rather than those in Table 8 of BS EN 197-1:2000.BS 146 pdf download.

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