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BS 0-2 pdf free download

BS 0-2-2005 pdf free download.A standard for standards – Part 2: Structure and drafting – Requirements and guidance.
This part of BS 0 specifies requirements, and gives guidance, in respect of the structure and drafting of those documents of national (i.e. IlK) origin that are published as British Standards or Drafts for Development.
It does not explicitly include requirements for BSI publications that are not regarded as being part of its formal standardization programme.
This part of 115 0 is concerned princil)allY with matters of policy and principle. Further detailed prescriptions concerning the presentation of British Standards are to be found in The BSI guide to
SIaflhi(i?d iOfl — Section 2.
Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
BS 0-1:2005, A standard for standards — Part 1: Dei’elopment qf standards — Specificat ion
BS 7998-3 (IEC 60027-3), Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology — Logarithmic and related quantities, and their units BS ISO 31 (all parts), Quantities and units
BS Iso 999, blfornzat ion and documentation. — Guidelines for the content, oiqanization and presentation of indexes
ISO 10241 , Intern at lanai terminology standards — Preparation and layout
The BSI guide to st(tndardization — Sectian 2, Rules for the structure, drafting and presentation qf British Standards (http://www.bsi-global.com/NSB/Governance)
Shorter 04’ord English Dictionartj, 5th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002
Gha inbeus Diet lana rj of Science a iid Technology. Edinburgh:
Chambers llarrap, 1999
Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part of BS 0, the terms and definitions given in BS 0-1:2005, together with the following apply.
types of standard (and related documents)
standard that sets out detailed requirements, to be satisfied by a product, material, process, service or system, and the procedures for checking conformity to these requirements
3.1.2 method standard that gives a complete account of the way in which an activity is performed (and, where appropriate, of the equipment or tools required to perform it) and conclusions are reached, to a degree of precision appropriate to the stated purpose
3.1.3 vocabulary standard listing definitions of terms used in a particular sector, field or discipline
3.1.4 code of practice standard comprising recommendations for accepted good practice as followed by competent and conscientious practitioners, and which brings together the results of practical experience and acquired knowledge for ease of access and use of the information
3.1.5 guide standard that gives broad and general information about a subject, with background information where appropriate
3.1.6 classification standard comprising designations and descriptions of different grades of a product and that identifies and arranges data in hierarchical order
3.1.7 draft for development DD provisional document, developed under broadly the same processes as a formal standard and published when standardization of a particular subject is urgently required, but further research or development is required before it can be published as a British Standard
3.2 elements of a standard
3.2.1 provision
expression that takes the form of a statement, an instruction, a recommendation or a requirement
3.2.2 normative element
element that describes the scope of the document, and which sets out provisions [ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2004, 3.8].BS 0-2 pdf download.

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