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BS ISO 22059 pdf free download

BS ISO 22059-2020 pdf free download.Guidelines on consumer warranties/guarantees.
5 General requirements
5.1 Status of warranty/guarantee
5.1.1 Pre-condition for registration A warranty/guarantee shall not require the consumer to pay a fee (as opposed to an extended warranty/guarantee where registration and fees may be applicable). However, it shall indicate what evidence is needed (e.g. invoice, receipt) as proof of ownership and date of purchase in the event of a claim.
5.1.2 Registration of warranty/guarantee A manufacturer and/or supplier should establish, where appropriate, online registration for consumer warranties/guarantees. A consumer who has such facilities to register their purchase online shall not be required to send the warranty/guarantee card to the manufacturer or supplier in order to secure coverage of the warranties/guarantees.
5.1.3 Infringement of statutory rights A warranty/guarantee shall not purport to restrict a consumer’s statutory rights to redress, nor purport to limit the manufacturer and/or supplier’s statutory liability.
5.1.4 Transferability of warranty/guarantee Rights conferred in the warranties/guarantees shall be transferred to a consumer who acquires the title from the original purchaser by way of sale/gift.
5.2 Terms of warranty/guarantee
5.2.1 Language The terms of a warranty/guarantee shall be expressed in plain language corresponding to the place where the goods are supplied. The terms shall be expressed in a clear, comprehensible and prominent way. 5.2.2 Disclosure The warranty/guarantee provisions shall clearly disclose all material information.
5.2.3 Explanation of warranty/guarantee Additional measures shall be implemented by the manufacturers and/or suppliers to communicate and explain terms to vulnerable consumers.
5.2.4 Warranty/guarantee document Warranty/guarantee documents shall be formalized through a printed or printable document by the manufacturers and/or suppliers. The warranty/guarantee document is a commitment by the manufacturers and/or suppliers that the product shall meet the reasonable expectation of consumers during the stipulated period of warranty/guarantee, which shall include the terms of remedies in the event of a fault.
5.2.5 Claims/complaints The warranty/guarantee shall state where and how the consumers should make a claim/complaint to seek redress (e.g. with the local agent, manufacturer or supplier) including contact information such as a phone number or website address.
5.3 Duration of warranty/guarantee 5.3.1 Perishable product The warranty/guarantee period shall correspond with the shelf life (date of purchase to the expiry date) of a perishable product.
5.3.2 Non-perishable product The duration of the warranty/guarantee for non-perishable products shall be clearly stated and, in the case of warranty/guarantee of a specified duration, the starting date shall be the date of purchase and not the date of manufacture.
5.4 Breach of warranty/guarantee
5.4.1 Details of breach A warranty/guarantee shall clearly state the elements of safety, performance and durability which are warranted/guaranteed.
5.4.2 Process to resolve the breach The warranty/guarantee should state the claims/complaints procedure to be used by the consumer.
5.4.3 Recurrent defects Products that fall into a cycle of warranty/guarantee claims/complaints for the same defect shall be fully replaced or refunded upon agreement with the consumer.
5.5 Exclusion of warranty/guarantee
5.5.1 Exclusion/limitation of liability Exclusion of liability by the manufacturer and/or supplier shall be reasonable and shall be clearly specified. It may be acceptable to allow exclusions where it can be proven that the failure resulted from inappropriate use by the consumer, e.g., putting diesel into a petrol-driven vehicle.
5.5.2 Unfair terms Warranties/guarantees shall not contain unfair terms. The terms and conditions shall not absolve the manufacturer and/or supplier from liability in the event that a consumer suffers injuries as a result of using the product.BS ISO 22059 pdf download.

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