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BS EN 12493 pdf free download

BS EN 12493-2020 pdf free download.LPG equipment and accessories — Welded steel pressure vessels for LPG road tankers — Design and manufacture.
4 Materials 4.1 Environmental The manufacturer shall endeavour to acquire materials and components from suppliers who have a declared environmental policy, see EN ISO 14021, EN ISO 14024 and EN ISO 14025.
4.2 Suitability
4.2.1 Unless otherwise specified by the design documents, the design temperature range shall be −20 °C to +50 °C.
4.2.2 The materials of construction shall be suitable for operating within the envisaged temperature range. If the pressure vessel could be subjected to more severe lower ambient or product temperatures, the design temperature range shall be −40 °C to +50 °C.
4.2.3 Guidance on selection of material grades is given in Annex A.
4.2.4 If additional impact testing is required, it shall be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 148-1 to achieve the impact values specified in
4.2.5 The materials of the pressure receptacle which are in contact with the contents shall not contain substances liable to substantially weaken the material. The steel grades specified in EN 10028-2 and EN 10028-3, listed in Table A.1, are considered compatible with LPG complying with the limitations on corrosiveness as specified in ISO 9162.
4.3 Pressure retaining parts Pressure-retaining materials shall be of appropriate steels conforming to EN 10028-2 or EN 10028-3 or shall conform to specifications agreed with the competent authority. All materials shall conform to 10.2.4 and the ratio of the specified yield strength (R eH ) to minimum tensile strength (Rm) shall not exceed 0,85 (i.e. R eH /Rm ≤ 0,85). The percentage elongation at fracture shall be not less than 10 000 divided by the actual tensile strength in N/mm 2 , and in any case shall be not less than 16 % for fine grained steels and not less than 20 % for other steels. Where fine grain steels are used, the guaranteed yield strength, R eH shall not exceed 460 N/mm 2 and the upper tensile strength, R m , shall not exceed 725 N/mm 2 .
4.4 Non-pressure retaining parts Non-pressure retaining parts that are directly welded to pressure retaining parts shall be of suitable materials conforming to EN 10025-2 or materials with characteristics approved by a competent authority. All materials used for non-pressure retaining parts shall be compatible with the material of pressure retaining parts, and shall conform to the impact requirements of, tested in accordance with the method specified in EN ISO 148-1. 4.5 Welding consumables Welding consumables shall be able to provide consistent welds with properties at least equal to those specified for the parent materials in the finished pressure vessel.
4.6 Non-metallic materials (gaskets) Non-metallic materials (gaskets) shall be compatible with both phases of LPG over the range of pressures and temperatures for which the road tanker is designed (see 4.2, Annex B and Annex C).
4.7 Inspection documents for materials Pressure retaining parts and non-pressure retaining parts directly welded to the pressure vessel shall be provided with the material manufacturers’ certificates conforming to EN 10204 certificate type 3.1. Other parts shall have certificates conforming to EN 10204 certificate type 2.2.
5 Pressure vessel design
5.1 Design conditions
5.1.1 The reference temperatures shall conform to Annex B. Where it is authorized by a national competent authority for use within its territory, in accordance with the provision of EU Council Directive 2008/68/EC [13], the reference temperatures designated in Annex C apply.
5.1.2 Design calculations shall be carried out in accordance with Annex D. 5.1.3 Account shall be taken of the fatigue loading on all component parts of the pressure vessel and its attachments by conducting an assessment or through proven operating experience. 5.1.4 The design of the pressure vessel should take into account the following: — minimizing the use of materials; — fittings required for efficient operation of the pressure vessel; — minimizing the environmental impact of in service maintenance and end of life disposal.
5.2 Minimum thickness 5.2.1 The minimum thickness for pressure vessels not exceeding a diameter of 1,8 m shall be 5 mm of reference steel 1) or of an equivalent thickness if in a different steel. 5.2.2 For pressure vessels exceeding a diameter of 1,8 m, the minimum thickness shall be 6 mm of reference steel 1) or of an equivalent thickness if in a different steel.BS EN 12493 pdf download.

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