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BS ISO 2303 pdf free download

BS ISO 2303-2019 pdf free download.Isoprene rubber (IR) – Non-oil-extended, solution- polymerized types – Evaluation procedures.
This document specifies, for general-purpose non-oil-extended, solution-polymerized polyisoprene
rubbers (IR):
— physical and chemical tests on raw rubbers;
— standard materials, a standard test formulation, equipment and processing methods for evaluating the vulcanization characteristics.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 37, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tensile stress-strain properties ISO 247-1:2018, Rubber — Determination of ash — Part 1: Combustion method
ISO 248-I, Rubber, raw — Determination of volatile-matter content — Part 1: Hot-mill method and oven method
ISO 248-2, Rubber, raw — Determination of volatile-matter content — Part 2: Thermogravimetric methods using an automatic analyser with an infrared drying
ISO 289-1, Rubber, unvulcanized — Determinations using a shearing-disc viscometer — Part 1:Determination of Mooney viscosity
ISO 1795, Rubber, raw natural and raw synthetic — Sampling and further preparative procedures ISO 2393, Rubber test mixes — Preparation, mixing and vulcanization — Equipment and procedures
ISO 6502-1, Rubber — Measurement of vulcanization characteristics using curemeters — Part 1: Introduction
ISO 6502-2, Rubber — Measurement of vulcanization characteristics using curemeters — Part 2: Oscillating disc curemeter
ISO 23529, Rubber — General procedures for preparing and conditioning test pieces for physicaltest methods
3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:J/www.iso.org/obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at IittpJ/vwwkc
4 Sampling and sample preparation
4.1 A laboratory sample of approximately 1,5 kg shall be taken by the method described in ISO 1795.
4.2 Preparation of the test portion shall be in accordance with ISO 1795.
5 Physical and chemical tests on raw rubber
5.1 Mooney viscosity
The Mooney viscosity shall be determined in accordance with ISO 289-1 on a test portion prepared as described In ISO 1795 (wIthout massing).
The result shall be recorded as ML(1 + 4) at 100 °C.
5.2 Volatile matter
The volatile-matter content shall be determined in accordance with ISO 248-1 or ISO 248-2.
5.3 Ash
The ash content shall be determined in accordance with ISO 247-1.
6 Preparation of the test mixes for evaluation of isoprene rubbers
6.1 Standard test formulation
The standard test formulation is given in Table 1.
The materials shall be national or international standard reference materials. If no standard reference
material Is available, the materials to be used shall be agreed by the interested parties.
6.2 Procedure
6.2.1 Equipment and procedure
Equipment and procedure for the preparation, mixing and vulcanization shall be in accordance with Iso 2393.
6.2.2 Mill mixing procedures General
Two mill mixing procedures are specified: methods A and B. The mixing time is shorter in Method B than in Method A.
The two methods do not necessarily give identical results. In laboratory cross-checks or in a series of evaluations, the same procedure shall be used in all cases.
In both methods, the standard laboratory mill batch mass, in grams, shall be based on four times the formula mass. The surface temperature of the rolls shall be maintained at 70 °C ± 5 °C throughout the mixing.
A good rolling bank at the nip of the rolls shall be maintained during mixing. If this is not obtained with the nip settings specified in and small adjustments to the mill openings might be necessary.BS ISO 2303 pdf download.

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