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BS EN 17085 pdf free download

BS EN 17085-2019 pdf free download.Paper and board – Sampling procedures for paper and board for recycling.
When drilling is performed prior to discharging the vehicle and only the sides of the bale are accessible for the drilling equipment, it is permissible to drill at an angle through several sheaves.
The sampling procedures define a procedure for obtaining the micro-sample from the macro-sample (See Chapter 6). Where appropriate equipment exists, the micro-sample may be directly obtained from the bale or the parameters measured in situ.
5.5 Sample labelling
All samples, at all points during the sampling procedure and subsequent analysis should be identified
— date;
— sampling method;
— lot number;
— target grade.
5.6 Storage of samples
Extracted samples shall be immediately transferred to a suitable clean, dry, sealable storage container (such as a plastic sack or container of an appropriate size) to prevent spoiling of the sample and/or moisture content change.
Prior to extraction of a micro-sample, the macro-sample shall be stored and the non-homogeneous components allowed to equilibrate, greatly reducing the variability between different pieces of the macro-sample.
Samples intended for subsequent laboratory scale analysis shall remain stored in a sealed, airtight container stored at room temperature for a minimum of 24 h after sampling to allow the various discrete components to reach equilibrium.
6 Micro-sampling procedure
6.1 General
Paper and board for recycling is typically a non-homogeneous material, which raises numerous challenges when sampling for small scale laboratory testing. As a result of the limitations this imposes on the subsequent analysis micro sampling is only considered necessary for those parameters where migration might occur within the sample (i.e. moisture content).
This compliance procedure does not preclude the use of any non-specified test for any immediate determinations on incoming material.
This method is meant primarily for extracting a micro-sample from manually sampled material, but can also be used to subsample core samples.
6.2 Extraction of micro-sample
After the macro-sample has been allowed to equilibrate, working in a clean, dry environment, five micro-samples shall be randomly selected from the sealed container. Each micro-sample shall be comprised of, as a minimum, five discrete random pieces drawn from the macro-sample, taking into account the quantity of material required for subsequent analysis. Preferably, take the samples from below the visible surface.
6.3 Storage of micro-samples
Micro-samples should he stored following the same principles as described in 5.6.
7 Sampling report
The sampling report shall include the following information:
a) reference to this European Standard (i.e. EN 17085);
b) the target grade (typically according to EN 643);
c) the date and place of sampling;
d) the name of the person responsible for taking the sample;
e) all information necessary for complete identification of the lot;
f) the total weight of the lot;
g) a detailed description of the sampling procedure;
h) a description of any identification marks on the samples;
i) all circumstances of such nature as to influence the results of subsequent tests.BS EN 17085 pdf download.

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