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BS EN 16601-00 pdf free download

BS EN 16601-00-2019 pdf free download.Space system – EN 16600 series – Description, implementation and general requirements.
The customer-supplier model
11w production of space systems calls for the cooperation of several organizations that share the common objective of providing a product that satisfies the customer’s needs (performance within cost and schedule constraints).
All space project actors are either a customer or a supplier, or both.
In its simplest form, a project can comprise one customer with just one supplier; however, most space projects comprise a number of hierarchical levels, where:
• the actor at the top level of the hierarchy is the top level customer,
• the actors at intermediate levels of the hierarchy are both supplier and customer,
• the actors at the lowest level of the hierarchy arc suppliers only.
Business agreements
Within the project, exchanges of products and services are governed by business agreements, used as a generic term throughout the European Space Standards when referring to a legally binding agreement between two or more actors in the customer—supplier chain. These agreements include the terms and conditions agreed between the parties, the rules by which business is conducted, the actors’ commitments and obligations for the provision of goods and services, the methods of acceptance and compensation, monetary, or otherwise. Business agreements serve as a framework prescribing the activities throughout the execution of work, and as a reference to verify compliance.
Business agreements are recorded in a variety of forms, such as
• Contracts,
• Memoranda of understanding,
• Inter—governmental agreements,
• Inter—agency agreements,
• Partnerships,
• Bartering agreements, and
• Purchase orders.
The European Space Standardsthemselves do not constitute business agreements: they are made applicable by invoking them in business agreements, most commonly in contracts. The applicability of standards and requirements is specified in the project requirements documents (PRDs), which are included in business agreements, which are agreed by the parties and binding them.
NOTE Description of PRD is provided in EN16601-10,
Clause 4.1.10.
The top—level customer’s PRD forms the basis for the generation of all lower
level customer PRDs. An integral part of a PRD, at any level, is the set of
Standards tailored as necessary and documented in an “ESS Applicability
Requirements Matrix’ (EARM), as described in clause 7.3.5.
A supplier, at any level, is responsible for demonstrating compliance with the project requirements contained in his customer’s PRD, through, for example, the elaboration of a compliance matrix, and ultimately for supplying a conforming product. The compliance to the PRD is presented in an Implementation Documents (IDs), for example project plans (e.g. management, engineering and product assurance) and compliance matrix.
NOTE Description of Implementation Document is
provided in ECSS-M-ST-10.
The hierarchical structure in Figure 6-1 constitutes the customer—supplier chain within a project with its contractual chain of documents.BS EN 16601-00 pdf download.


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