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BS EN 17389 pdf free download

BS EN 17389-2020 pdf free download.Stationary source emissions一Quality assurance and quality control procedures for automated dust arrestment plant monitors.
The location of the instrument shall be chosen taking into account the measurement objective, the principle of detection of the instrument and the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Filter dust monitors shall be installed in a location with stable flow profile without vortexing and backflow.
NOTE These conditions are generally fulfilled in sections of duct with at least five hydraulic diameters of straight duct upstream of the measurement plane and two hydraulic diameters downstream (five hydraulic diameters from the top of a stack).
Filter dust monitors shall be located to ensure that there is no interference between the measurement results of the instrument and the results of the SRM measurements.
The working platform(s) for the instrument shall provide suitable and safe access to allow frequent inspection and implementation of the quality assurance procedure. EN 15259 specifies criteria for working platforms.
7 Configuration of instruments
7.1 General
The instrument shall be serviced, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, within 28 days before the configuration procedure is carried out.
NOTE The plant operator is responsible for organizing the service of the instrument.
It is recommended to include the service report as an appendix to the configuration report.
7.2 Configuration of filter dust monitors
7.2.1 General
The principle of the configuration shall be as follows:
a) service test (see 7.2.2);
b) parallel measurements with the SRM (see 7.2.3);
c) setting of dust alarm limits (see 7.2.4).
The configuration procedure shall be repeated at least every three years and after a significant change to the plant or filter dust monitor.
7.2.2 Service test
Service and service test shall be performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It should contain at least:
a) cleaning critical components;
b) checking the correct functioning of the automatic internal zero point and reference point checks;
c) performing checks and procedures that are specified by the manufacturer and approved during the performance test;
d) carrying out zero test according to the manufacturer’s specifications (demonstrating that the instrument output is zero, when no dust is present);
e) confirming, according to manufacturer’s specifications, that the instrument responds to dust (where applicable, review historical data and alarm logs to ensure instrument is tracking known process events, or monitor dust pulses associated with filter cleaning as shown in Annex B, Figure B.1);
f) checking components (including air purge) that minimize contamination.
All service tests results shall be recorded in a service report.
7.2.3 Parallel measurements with the SRM
Parallel measurements shall be performed with the filter dust monitor and the SRM in order to configure the filter dust monitor. The SRM measurements shall be performed according to EN 13284-1.
The test laboratory performing the SRM measurements shall demonstrate their competence in performing the measurements.
NOTE I Competence can be demonstrated by accreditation according to EN ISO! IEC 17025, or by direct approval by the competent authority.
The SRM measurements shall be performed at a measurement plane in a duct, which fulfils the requirements of EN 15259, and is as close as possible to the filter dust monitor, while taking into account that the presence of the SRM equipment shall not influence or disturb the filter dust monitor measurements and vice versa.
In order to ensure that the configuration is valid for the range of conditions within which the plant will operate, the concentrations during the configuration shall be varied within the normal operation of the plant. This shall ensure that the configuration of the filter dust monitor is valid over as large a range as possible, and also that it covers most operational situations.
NOTE 2 Careful measurement planning can identil’ the optimum time for the parallel measurements, when the emissions arc at their highest.
The dust concentrations are often close to zero compared to the ELV, if the dust cleaning equipment of the plant is operating normally. The measurement range can be extended in some cases by increasing the dust concentration. This can be achieved by e.g. changing the plant load, lowering the efficiency of the gas cleaning equipment, or by injecting dust of the same physical properties and ensuring homogeneous concentration across the measurement planes of the filter dust monitor and the SRM (see Annex A). The approach shall be selected by the test laboratory and agreed with both the plant operator and the competent authority and be fully documented in the configuration report.
At least 6 valid parallel measurements with a sampling duration of 30 mm each or at least 3 valid parallel measurements with a sampling duration of 1 h each shall be performed in a measurement range, where the instrument is responding to dust (this means that it has an output that is not zero or noise), over one or more consecutive days. The total sampling duration shall be at least 3 h. The sampling duration of the individual measurements shall be selected by the test laboratory taking into account e.g. the dust concentration level and the limit of quantification of the SRM as well as legal requirements.
This document requires valid data points over a total sampling duration of at least 3 h. If data points are excluded as invalid in the data evaluation, this requirement can be failed. It is therefore recommended that additional data points be taken, to allow for the exclusion of invalid data pairs.
During the parallel measurements with the filter dust monitor and the SRM, each result is considered as a measurement pair (one filter dust monitor reading and one SRM measured value) and these shall cover the same time period.
The SRM measured results shall be expressed at standard conditions for temperature and pressure and, where required for water vapour.BS EN 17389 pdf download.

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